flat white

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"Adventure in life is good; consistency in coffee even better." - Justina Chen

Double lope piercings didn't hurt much at all. Two small round silver earrings on each ear really made my ears stand out for the first time. I glanced at my self in the mirror again before returning to my math homework.

I couldn't even finish one problem. My mind was wrapped up in everything going on. I texted Christopher in hope for some guidance but, he didn't answer. I guess that's what I get for literally only having one friend. Of course there was Slate who I was afraid to text in fear that we could get in an argument.

So, I didn't text him. I called him. That's one way to get noticed I guess, even if it's by Slate.

"Hello?" His voice sounded tired and strained.

"Hey Slate," I stumbled to get the words out. My voice sounded like a small chipmunk.

"May? Uh hey what's up?" He seemed truly confused that I was calling him.

"I can't do my math homework," I sighed. Honestly, I could do it; I just couldn't focus.

"Aw poor you! Can I help?" There was the Slate I knew. Suddenly I felt like the whole fiasco at the café had never taken place.

"Emo boy I am beyond help."

Slate chuckled, "I can tell! You barely make it through a day without changing your self some how."

"I just...I want to be noticed by Lev."

"You really like him that much?" There seemed to be a touch of sadness in his voice.

"Yeah I really do."

"I'll help you then."

"You'll help me?" Well that's reason one-hundred and five of why I adore Slate.

"Anything for you, m'lady." I could almost hear Slate's grin.

"You know what you should do?"

"What?" Again I had confused Slate.

"You should just talk to me right now," I didn't want him to go. Slate just seemed comforting in the moment.

"Of course." With that I lay my head on my desk and just listened. If I remember right he was talking about global warming or something. I loved it.

I woke up with a sore neck and my undone math homework. Slate had talked to me until I had fallen asleep. I smiled at the thought that he was kind enough to do that.

Now I had exactly twelve minutes to get to work. I had a feeling I was about to be late. Not just a little late, a lot late.

When I finally arrived at the café, Slate was already serving a long line of customers. I rushed on my apron and pulled my hair up as I scurried behind the counter to help him. Slate smirk at me, "Sleep well?"

Before I could reply, Slate frowned at me. "You pierced your ears?" He softly placed his finger tips on my ear.

"Yeah..." I moved away from his touch and began to prepare a latte.

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