iced coffee

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"I like coffee because it gives me the illusion that I might be awake." - Lewis Black

I spent the afternoon after school, dyeing my hair blue again. This time I got it done professionally. Christopher had started a group text with him, Lev and I. My phone wouldn't stop vibrating; I had no clue what Christopher and Lev could be talking about. I was just happy that the two had become friends.

From: Christopher
I literally just saw the hottest guy ever omg I need help

From: Lev
Is this Christopher?

Yes!! ;) Where's May kind sir?

From: Lev
Idk I thought she was with u??

From: Christopher
I thought she was with you?!

From: Lev
I'll call her

From: Lev
She's not answering???

From: Christopher
Omg she's been kidnapped!!

Crap. I should had checked my phone sooner. I hadn't touched it while my hair was being done.

To: Christopher & Lev
Guys!! I'm fine!! I was getting my hair done sorry :)

From: Christopher
Ohhh thank goodness!! Call me boo!!

I dialed Christopher's number while texting my mom asking her to pick me up from the hair salon. Christopher answered on the first ring and sounded panicked. "I truly, desperately am I love with this guy I just saw. Send help!" he exclaimed.

"Did you talk to him?" I tried not to giggle. Christopher definitely lives by "love at first sight".

"Well no..."

"Did you make eyes at each other?"


"Run after him and ask him to be yours forever," I joked.

"Ok!" Christopher hung up the phone. I had just been kidding.

My mom picked me up after fifteen minutes and bugged me about my new attitude that had apparently come from my neon hair. I didn't believe my attitude had changed, just everything else had.

Later in the night, I found I couldn't sleep. I was still exhausted from staying up so late the night before; I guess I was so tired I couldn't sleep. I wanted to call Lev and complain to him for keeping me up and causing this problem. However, I couldn't summon the courage to dial his number. Anyways, he should be the one to call me.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my window, it was the same usual (and only) late night visiter: Slate. I once again grabbed his arm and dragged him into my room. "Again? You know I have a phone and a front door. You have options," I exasperated.

"Ah yes! But, I prefer the element of surprise!" Slate grinned as he fell into my room.

"Another jester?" Slate sat on my bed and grabbed my stuffed whale to hold it. He then shook his head. "Then what?" I questioned.

He shrugged "I felt like it. I felt like coming to see you."

I blushed slightly, "Well, ok." I sat down next to him on my bed and he placed his hand on mine. I pulled my hand away and looked at him. Why would he do that?

"I just want to keep you, you May," he murmured.

"I'm not her anymore." I stood up and backed away from my bed.

"So your what then? Lev's?" he scoffed.

"Something like that." I looked down.

"Ah well ok," he shrugged, got off my bed and climbed out my window.

I shook my head and closed my window with a thump. I breathed deeply. How could it be my fault that I'm into Lev?

At work the next morning, Slate and I barely talked. He worked quickly to make coffees and take them out to customers. Once again Lev did not come in for his usual drink. I wondered what Lev could possibly be doing. He hadn't even called me or texted me the night before. Maybe it was already over between us. Now I didn't even seem to have Slate around.

Christopher came to pick me up at his usual time, however he came company. As they always say: two's company, three's a crowd. Christopher proudly held the hand of a blonde haired, green eyed boy. "May darling, meet Peter."

I smiled at Peter and he held out his hand, "The pleasure is mine, May. Christopher kindly offered me a ride to school as well; I hope you don't mind."

"Oh no, of course not," I did mind a little. Christopher and I had a sort of tradition of going to school, just the two of us. Also, I had no idea who Peter was and how Christopher met him and that they seemed to be dating. "Would you like a drink, Peter?"

"Yeah I'll have a green tea, thanks," Peter smiled.

Later, Christopher pulled me aside in the school hallway. "So remember that cute guy I was talking about and how you told me to run after him and proclaim my love?" He asked.

"Yes?" I replied confused.

"Well I did it! And it turned out he had seen me and liked what he saw! He asked me out!" Christopher exclaimed.

"So, that's Peter?"

"That's Peter! Are you happy for me? I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

I softened and grinned, "Of course." I just couldn't understand how he could get someone just like that and I couldn't seem to get anyone.

"Now we can double date!" Christopher dragged me to my first class and I just shook my head. How could be double date if I didn't have a date of my own?

As I walked into my English class, I decided to confront Lev in person about his lack of communication. Lev sat at his desk and I jumped out of my seat towards his. "So, why didn't you call or text yesterday? And why haven't you been coming to the café in the morning?" I confronted him.

"Oh," he seemed taken back. "I didn't think you'd notice. I've just been busy. I swear I'm not ignoring you."

"Busy with what?" I pressed.

"How about Friday?" He responded without answering my question.

"What about Friday?" I was confused.

"Our second date? How about Friday?"

He wanted a second date. I grinned, "Okay, ya that works." I bell rang and I rushed to my seat. He had never answered why he was too busy for me.

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