Chapter 3: Wrong

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Magnus, Magnus, Magnus.

Alec knew he liked Jace in more of a brotherly way, but he couldn't help but think of Magnus constantly. His sharp, amber-gold eyes and his full luscious mouth...

'Alec.' Robert Lightwood, Alec's father, crossed his arms over his chest impatiently. 'Are you even listening to me?'

Alec blinked and nodded. 'Sure, Dad.'

Robert exhaled irritably and turned back to the television. On the screen it showed two men, with gelled blond hair and neat, pure white and pink suits.

'Yeah, we're just delighted that we can now express our love in the eyes of God legally now,' one of them was saying cheerfully.

Alec bit down hard on his lower lip as he glanced at his father. His expression was tight, like someone had stretched out his skin.

'Outrageous,' he said. 'Absolutely disgusting. God put a man and a woman on this planet, not a man and a man. They were called Adam and Eve not Adam and fucking Steve.'

Alec could feel hot bitter angry tears forming in the back of his eyes. His turned his head away from his father in shame.

Maryse glared at her husband. 'Don't swear in front of them, Robert.'

Robert looked like he could walk over and slap her. 'Don't tell me what to do when there's damn homosexuals getting married right now. Don't tell me you don't feel even a little disgusted.'

Maryse swallowed. 'It does make me feel a bit uncomfortable, yes,' she said lowly. 'But there's no need for you to have such despise to them.'

Isabelle glanced at her brother worriedly. 'It's not their fault, Dad,' she said softly.

Robert didn't seem to hear her; he looked at his eldest son. 'Alexander,' he said firmly, 'what do you make of these homosexuals?'

What the hell? Alec glanced at Robert and whispered: 'It's wrong,' he said, and the words - the lies - burned guiltily in his throat.

Isabelle glared at him. 'Alec, what the actual fuck?' she said.

'Isabelle, shut up!' Robert said. He smiled at Alec proudly. 'That's my boy.'

Alec tried to return his smile reluctantly. 'I have homework to do,' he stuttered, biting back tears.

Robert was still grinning. 'Sure, son.'


Magnus slowly began to wipe off his makeup. Urgh, he thought, looking at his bare face. He washed her hair and let it fall freely around his ears, which had red studs in.

Alec, he thought. Even though he was dating Camille, he didn't feel any proper love for her. He loved her as his best friend, but nothing more. He'd always preferred men anyway.

Alexander. Sad, blue eyes, pale perfect face, long black hair. He's perfect. Magnus grinned in his reflection, feeling like a little kid. Does he even know that I know he's gay? Magnus pondered mentally. He glared curiously at himself in the mirror and frowned.


Hey alexander

Alec, who had previously been lying face-first on his bed crying, snatched up his phone and read the message again.

Who is this?

Why, Magnus Bane, of course

Alec sighed, even though part of him was overjoyed. hi, magnus x

Aren't you going to question how I got your number alexander?

Um no it doesn't actually surprise me that much. it is you, after all

Indeed it is

Alec frowned; did Magnus put kisses and hearts to everyone he texted? He shrugged. Probably.

So how are you & camille? xx

I suppose I'm okay, and she's probably have sexual intercourse with one of my friends right now

why are you still with her then if you don't even love or trust her?

Its very complex, alexander. let's just say if I dumped camille belcourt, she'd still find a way to get back at me for it. I think she's mentally unstable, seriously

Alec glaced at his pale, freshly cut wrists. Maybe I am too, he thought.

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