The Last part 2

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We was in english just sitting down making conversation in our small groups. My english teacher then got our attention and started speaking

"So year 11 i just wanted to say what a pleasure it has been teaching you for 2 and a half years. Its been extremely eventful and you have all made me incrediably proud and have managed to make me cry every now and then. Whatever results you all get, just know that i am going to be very proud with you no matter what. You are my children and i wish the best for all of you and i wish every single one of you a massive good luck with whatever you decide to do. It was a pleasure meeting you all" she had tears streaming down her face like an ocean trying to break free. The whole class was in tears, except a few cold hearted bitches i hated anyway.

I slowely walked up to my teacher and said "thank you for everything you have done for me miss. It truley means alot to me. You have helped me achieve my dream results in english and to be honest i couldnt of asked for a better teacher". I would be lying if i told you i never had a lump form in my throat. But i kept it together for the sake of me and my teacher. I could see she was trying to hold back the river in her eyes to be brave, but she managed to let a few tears slip down her already wet face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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