sleepy boys + painful tickle fights

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it was an early, saturday afternoon. stan was walking into bill's house. they had known each other for so long that stan had a key for his boyfriend's home. afterall, they both had a strong trust in each other.

"bill?" stan called out in the silent house as he walked through the door frame. majority of the family did not seem to be home, but he always knew bill was.

bill was very shy and quiet so he preferred to stay at his bedroom desk, creating as much as he could.

stan walked through the hallway which led to the kitchen where he found bill sleeping next to his cat, silver, on the vent, below a cabinet.

the conscious boy laughed quietly at the sight of his lover. this was not a first as he knew bill would sleep anywhere due to him being up until the early hours of the morning, writing and drawing away. the red-haired boy was still in his pajamas which means he had slept there all morning.

stan laid down on the floor next to him and wrapped his arms around the sleepy boy's waist. they were extremely close so stan knew neither of them would be uncomfortable if they cuddled.

"bill...," stan whispered quietly into his ear.

bill began to move slightly, but, unfortunately, did not wake up.

stan decided he would wake bill up in a surprising way. he began to tickle him up and down his sides. bill squirmed and woke up with a bang on the head from the cabinet above.

"o-ow," bill wined in an almost inaudible, sleepy tone. he immediately curled up into a small ball and started to rub at the painful spot on his head.

stan, realizing what he had done, slowly sat up.

"oh my god! bill, i am so sorry! i really didn't mean to!" he said, in a rushed voice.

by this point, silver had run away from the loud noise of the ticklish boy's head against the wood.

"i-it-t's f-fine. i t-think i'm-m o-okay" bill stuttered out as he sat up too. his face was tired and still bright red from all the tickling. his auburn hair was sticking up everywhere from sleeping on the floor for part of the day. stan thought he looked adorable.

"are you sure you're okay?" stan asked, his protective boyfriend mode coming on.

"i-i p-pro-promise y-you, i'm p-perf-fectly f-fine," bill said, a small smile appearing on his face. he loved his overly caring boyfriend. "i j-just w-wan-na h-hug."

stan slowly, wrapped his arms around bill like he was a fragile doll. bill rested his head on stan's shoulder.

"c-can wuh-we duh-do th-this in m-my b-bedroom?" bill asked, softly into stan's shoulder.

stan responded with "of course."

both boys got out of the embrace and went upstairs to cuddle in bill's much smoother and warmer bed.

(authors note: feedback would be very appreciated)

tea n stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now