break a leg!

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"hey, big bill! catch!" richie yelled. the boy's gym class was practicing rock climbing without a harness since it was not far off the ground. but richie, still on the ground, decided he would change things up a bit. he grabbed a dodgeball and threw it at bill, who was in the middle of climbing the wall.

due to protecting his face from the thing being thrown at him, bill let go off the rocks and lost his balance resulting him to fall face down onto the floor. there was a harsh snap and grinding noise coming from his lower limbs when he landed because he was aiming to land on his feet.

he groaned out in pain and slowly tried to get up from the floor shortly before realizing he was not able to. bill's whole right leg was completely numb, all he could feel was a sharp sting.

"holy shit! bill, are you okay? richie yelled extremely loudly which caused a bunch of kids to surround them.

"n-no..." bill muttered. he had his eyes closed tight and his face was all scrunched up.
"hey! what's going on?" the gym teacher's voiced boomed loudly as he approached the group. "mr. denbrough, did you fall or did somebody hit you?" he asked.

"i-i fuh-fell," bill replied, slowly going unconscious. as one of richie's closest friends, he did not want to get him in trouble because bill knew it was an accident.

when bill passed out, the gym teacher called the paramedics to come and take him to the hospital.

"why the fuck is there an ambulance outside?" eddie questioned, worriedly. five of the seven losers were sitting and eating at the lunch table, two of them wondering where their boyfriends were.

"why are you concerned about an ambulance? where the fuck is bill and richie?" stan asked.

the losers checked their phones to see if either of the two boys had messaged them anything. thankfully, richie had messaged the group chat, but it was not something they wanted to hear.

'GUYS BILL IS FUCKING DEAD OMG', the message read.

stan looked quickly out the window towards the ambulance again. he looked closely and noticed his boyfriend on a stretcher. then, he saw richie walking close by and into the white vehicle.

"shit, shit, shit!" stan said frantically. he tried texting richie about what had happened, but he never replied.

"stan, i'm sure everything is okay," beverly said, trying to soothe the anxious boy.
"no, bev! what if he's dead?" stan said, really freaking out. for the rest of the lunch period, the boy ignored everyone because he was nervous for his boyfriend.

unfortunately, stanley still had three more periods to sit through before he could go to the hospital to see what happened to bill. he wondered if richie was involved in what happened because stan knew that both boys were in the same class before lunch.

stan was nervously tapping his foot on the floor waiting for this last period, which was math class, to be over. there was only a couple of minutes left and it was a friday. most people were looking forward to the weekend, but stan needed to go to the hospital.

after the couple of minutes were over, the bell rang and stan basically ran out of the room. he ran straight to his car and got in as fast as possible. he started up the engine and began to drive to the hospital. his fingers were beating rapidly on the wheel because he was scared he was going to lose his boyfriend. he turned the music up so it would distract him from his thoughts.

stan quickly arrived at the medical center and rushed out of the car. he went through the doors and went towards the receptionist.

"hi! i need to see bill denbrough immediately! it's extremely urgent," stan said hastily. the receptionist mumbled an 'okay' and look down at her papers.

"he is getting his cast on right now, but he should be done in a couple of minutes. go sit in the waiting room and i will call you when they're ready. what's your name?" the woman said in a calm tone.

"stanley uris! wait! excuse me, did you say cast?! did he break something?! i thought he was dead!" stan said in a scared voice.

"yes, the boy managed to break his leg, but he was nowhere near death, thankfully. now, go sit and i'll call you through in a couple of minutes," she said.

stan sat down on one of the many uncomfortable, plastic, blue chairs with his head in hands. he was really stressing out about this situation. at least his boyfriend was not dead and that is all that really matters.

"stanley uris," the receptionist called out. he was the only one there so this obviously had to be him. "this way, sir."

the woman led him through the hallway to bill's room. she opened the door and stan walked through to see his cute boyfriend giggling away at something richie had said.

"oh my god! bill! you're okay!" stan said, excitedly. he went over to hug bill who was now laughing at stan's reaction.

"yuh-yeah, i-i'm fuh-fine i pro-promise," bill told him, reassuringly.

"wait so, what happened?" stan asked curiously.

"he fell off a fucking climbing wall!" richie said, laughing and finding the whole thing hilarious.

"well, your boyfriend was also extremely worried about you, richie!" stan said dramatically.

"o-oh, ruh-richie ac-ac-cidentally thr-threw a ba-ball at m-me. i-i muh-might b-be luh-losing a t-toe and ge-getting a lo-long ass sc-scar be-because of su-surgery, too" bill stuttered out. stan looked at richie with an annoyed and anxious expression.

"seriously, richie! why'd you have to that to bill?" asked stan. richie was too busy still laughing at the situation.

stan huffed and sat down. he intertwined his hand with bill and rubbed the top of it calmly. then, stan noticed the plain, blue cast on his leg.

"may i be the first to sign your cast?" stan asked in a quiet tone.

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