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"So are you coming?" Hoseok asks standing at the door tapping his foot impatiently.

Jimin stares at him. "Coming where?" Jimin asks.

"To eat obviously, lets go get some food." He smiles.

"Oh..." He places his book down on the desk to direct all of his attention at the man. "Well, I usually have my lunch brought to me..." Jimin mumbles.

"Is that so?" Hoseok questions raising an eyebrow. "I'm new... I don't know anyone here... Please come out to eat with me?" He smiles again which persuades Jimin.

He stands up from his chair and follows his new friend  towards the canteen. Mental hospitals or insane asylums however you'd like to refer to them cater to many people. People who are genuinely insane... People who are suicidal and so on. The hallways were white naturally but it wasn't bright. A few people were sitting on the floor rocking backwards and forth whispering to themselves, some were stood in the corner gently tapping their heads against the wall others walked mindlessly down the hallways topped up with drugs not really knowing where they are.

Jimin and Hosoek reach the canteen. They went straight towards the food and grabbed trays so they could get their food. Hoseok happily spoke to the lady dishing out the food as she placed food onto the happy mans plate. However Jimin.... Jimin didn't have the same type of relationship with food as Hoseok seemed to have. Jimin mindlessly pushes his tray along without stopping for food to be placed on. They'd reached the end and found a table to sit at.
They sat opposite each other.

Hosoek looks down at Jimin's tray then back up to Jimin. "That's not nearly enough food..." Hoseok states frowning.

Jimin has a red apple and a glass of water on his tray.

"Apples are my favourite." Jimin shrugs taking a large bite out of it.

"That maybe so, but I won't let you go back on an empty stomach..." Hoseok was barely heard due to the loud noise coming from patients from around the canteen.  Hoseok picks up his cupcake and places it on Jimin's tray. He also puts a few other things from his plate onto Jimin's.

Jimin stares at Hoseok annoyed. "Stop. I'll eat what I want to eat." Jimin looks away from Hoseok.

Jimin continues eating his apple while looking at the opposite side of the room. He stares at an empty seat across from him. He blinks and suddenly a young boy is sitting there. He has a big bunny like smile. His eyes crinkle at the sides as if he was laughing. Jimin drops his apple. The young boy suddenly gets up and walks away. As soon as the young boy gets up so does Jimin. He follows the young boy out of the canteen. Jimin can't hear Hosoek calling after him.

Jimin slowly follows the young boy. As he gets closer the boy gets further away. Jimin doesn't realise he's walked into the restricted area. The boy keeps walking and turns a sharp corner. Jimin starts running turning at the same sharp corner the boy did. He comes face to face with a large door. The door had a window at the top so you could see through, Jimin rarely came out of his room. So he hadn't explored much of the hospital. He takes a few steps forwards to look into the room. He has to go on his tiptoes to be able to see through the window of the door clearly.

He peers in but the room seemed dark. That was until he saw a figure move. He jumped back surprise but quickly got back into position. A man wearing all white gets up from bed. The room looked like a hospital room however there was something different about it. The man was sat down but he's standing holding something in his hands. Jimin squints his eyes to get a look and realised it was a type of flower.

"Tulips?" Jimin mutters to himself.

The man placed the petals gently on the floor. Jimin counted 6 petals in total. The man then pulls out a lighter and Jimin gasps in shock.

How did a patient get a lighter?!?

He thinks getting very worried. The man sets the tulips on fire and Jimin lets our another shocked gasp. Be tries to get into the room by pressing down on the door handle but the door is locked. Jimin by now had completely forgotten about the young boy from before. He was more determined to get into the room. The man then gets up leaving the blaze untended. He walks over to some curtains which again shocks Jimin.

I-I though we weren't allowed to have windows for safety reasons?...

Jimin gives up on pressing the handle convinced it wouldn't open. Jimin's eyes widen as he watches the man yank open the curtains and a beam of light hurdles through making Jimin squint but the man looked unbothered.

Someone covers Jimin's eyes making Jimin jump again in fear an apple drops onto the ground as the hand disappears as quickly as it appeared infront of his face. He looks down at the apple. His heart stops for a second as he realised it was the apple he'd been eating in the canteen... But he was sure he'd left the apple there...

Jimin quickly looks back into the room but it was completely black the room was empty.

"What do you think you're doing?!" A voice shouts from behind Jimin making him fall against the door in fear as he knows all to well who the horrifying voice belonged to.

"yzɒɿɔ ɘɿ'uoy ʇi ƚɒʜw ƚu ...ǫnivɘilɘd ƨi ǫniɘɘƧ"

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