Lets fall down!

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Authors' Note:

Hey there guys! I'm sorry I have'nt been updating that often or at all. Its my break and I really just wanted to relax from school. Plus, I have TONS of shitty homework. Its like school is trying to mentally kill us or somethin' .

OH YEA!!! I wanted to ask your opinion whether I should do the greed island arc and the chimera ant arc or just go with my own plot? comment on what you guys which you want me to do. Anyways, here's the story you've all been waiting for!


3rd P.O.V

"W-we're s-s-supposed to j-j-jump D-DOWN?! YOUR KIDDING ME!!" Leorio shouted. While Gon and Kurapica looked interestedly at the webs stuck to the sides of the cavern(?), Rima and Killua just stared boredly at it like it never fazed them at all. "Yup! And your task is to catch an egg and boil it. Now watch as I demonstrate." As she jumped down, most of the contestants paled. "IS SHE NUTS?!" "SHE'S CRAZY!!" "SHE's GONNA FALL AND DIE!!"

Rima walked towards the edge, tilting forward to look downwards, "Nah~ There's actually an updrift!" She said excitedly as she tilted further to look at Menchi so much as Killua had to hold a handful of her shirt from the back so she would'nt fall. Killua sighed, "Stop looking down there or your gonna fall to your death baka~" Gon giggled as Rima smiled. "I won't! Cause I know you'll catch me!" "Wha- what makes y-you say that?! I-i can p-push you down right now you know! You should'nt trust a killer so much....." Killua said the last part with an audible whisper but Rima caught it. She just shrugged and looked downwards again as the updraft blew Menchi up and her hair flowing along with the wind.

Unknown to her, her skirt fluttered up slightly almost allowing the men around to see her underwear. Gon ran to pull her skirt back down slightly and sighed. "You should be careful Rima-chan! People can see your underwear if you are'nt!" She looked back at everyone and most of them were blushing even Hisoka and Gittarackur! She just shrugged and looked at Killua for an answer. Instead of looking at her, he was glaring at the men around. And a scary glare at that......

"Alright! Now, you have to bo-" Menchi was cut of as Gon shouted as he jumped down, "That looks fun!! Yatta!!!" Rima smirked and jumped down along with Killua and Kurapika at her side as they pulled Leorio along. Menchi stared wide-eyed, "Hey wait I'm no-" She was cut off again as the rest of the contestants jumped down too. Rima laughed as she fell into the cavern, not noticing the boys around her staring with a blush on their faces.

Gon's P.O.V

Hahaha Rima-chan is so cute when she laughs. But, no matter how many times I look at her, she really seems familiar to me.... Have I ever met her before?

3rd P.O.V

Everyone had jumped down and was hanging onto the web strings. Suddenly, a part of the web was about to break, "Agh! The web's breaking!" Rima was probably the only one who was standing on the string as she rolled her eyes. "Well no shit sherlock" Most of the participants were staring at her in shock. She raised her eyebrow, "what?" Everyone looked away towards the eggs.

"Gon!" Killua called, "can we let go now?" Gon put on a stern face,"no!" The tension was getting thicker as the web started to break and soon, alot of the contestants jumped down not caring if they died. "Huh?! What?! Why gon?! We're gonna die if we don't let go!" Leorio shouted.

"Thats cause there's not always an updraft, baka" Rima retorted. "HAH?! I don't see you helping at all by standing on the web, chibi!" She glared at them as it sent shivers down their back.

................"NOW!!" Gon shouted as the rest of them let go and catched an egg themselves and let the updraft bring them back up.

☆☆☆☆Time skip~☆☆☆☆

As they all landed, they were told to boil their eggs in the pot. "Hm, I can see why they're called dream eggs," kurapika said. "You're right! These are delicious!" Gon exclaimed, "Here todo-san!" Todo just stared at him with awe and took the egg with gratitude. "Thank you so much! I'll come back again next year and retake!" He turned towards Menchi

Rima's P.O.V

I was siting down when I saw Gon handing Todo an egg. I slightly smiled at this....when I felt stares at me AGAIN! I looked around again and saw Pin-head guy, Clown boy and smurf guy. Like seriously! Wtf is with these people and staring?! My eyebrow twitched as I had a mental conflict in my mind.

"Rima? What's wrong?" Killua asked as he saw me. His eyes had softness yet turned into a glare as he saw them staring. "Nah its nothing...its just weird that those three keep on staring. I feel like i'm a living specimen...." I shrugged. "C'mon, lets go into the blimp, they're asking for us now" Killua suggested as we walked together.

Thank you for reading~ Hope you look forward to the next one!

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