Cooking pork....and SUSHI?!

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Disclaimer: I do not own HxH.....

Rima's P.O.V

We entered into the exam area once the big doors opened. As we entered, I saw a girl with pink and a man as big as a house. The girl had braids going in every single direction and she wore a fishnet over her bra and short shorts. The giant man wore an orange shirt and trousers on. "YOUR HUGE!!!!" I shouted loudly, causing everyone to look at me including the man. "haha! Well, that I am! Ne, what's your name?" I had to strain my neck upwards. "I'm Rima! What about you? Are you guys the new proctors for the second phase?" Everyone suddenly at me. "We sure are kid! Hear that? We're Gourmet Hunters and we'll be your proctors for today!" A fat guy laughed loudly and everyone around us started laughing other than Gon, me, Killua and Kurapika. "HAHAHAHA!!!! Gourmet Hunters?! More like food pickers! I'm Togo and I came here to take the hunter exam to be a blacklist hunter! Not some dumbass cook!" 'Tch.... I hate it when people discriminate cooking!' Todo ran towards them in try to hurt them but was slapped away by the big guy.

"Don't butt in Buhara. This is none of your business" Menchi said looking displeased and angry. "I know. But if I did'nt do anything, you would have killed him-darou*?" Menchi smirked. "right~" She took out 2...4..6... no its 8 knives knives. 'well that's not too bad....' I just realized that the big guy had accidentally slapped Todo towards me. But before he could come near me, I used abit of shield so that he would stop and fall just an inch from my boots. Everyone looked shocked. "Rima are you okay?!" Killua and Gon shouted. I saw Hisoka smirk at me in the shadows while the pin-head guy and the smurf guy looking at me intently. "I'm alright guys. You don't need to get so worked up." I said a care in the world. They stayed silent and looked at me. "what?" "N-nothing!" They quickly looked away. "Who wants to object next?...... Alright then now all that shit is done, let's start! As you all can see around you, you all already know the next phase. But before that, my name is Menchi and this guy here is Buhara, my partner. You have to cook whatever dish we ask of," Menchi said. "Well then? Hurry up!" "Tch. Such impatient people.......Buhara?" "Yes! I wish for some pork! You can use any kind of pigs on this island. And......START!!!" Everyone ran out quickly while I just stood there. "Hmm? Why aren't you going little girl? Scared?" I just looked boredly at them. "Scared? That, no. I'm more curious why you said 'that' when there's only one kind of pig on this island....." Their eyes widened then smiled. " seems that the cutie is a smart one eh? But you won't pass just by standing there you know~" I smirked. "of course~ bye then!" I said as I smiled devilishly at them while strolling towards the others which only took a second. I appeared behind Killua. "W-wha-?! Rima?! Since when?- Never mind...." I giggled at his confused face while he sighed. "Have you found the pigs?" "No, not yet..." "AH! I FOUND IT!!" I heard Gon shout. "Let's go!" I pulled Killua by the hand and I accidentally tripped and fell down along with the others.


" Pass!" Buhara said as he gobbled down another pork dish. "Buhara! You can't just pass everyone like that! Sigh...never mind. Alright listen here you good for nothings!" Menchi shouted as some of the participants had a tick mark on their foreheads. " Your next dish shall be...SUSHI!" Earning a few "huhs?!" and "what?!" from the crowd. 'Sushi huh? This'll be intersting~' I smirked. " guys are really are stupid.... Alright! I'll give you a hint! It has something to do with Fish! Now go!" Menchi ordered. Everyone just began searching for fish. I walked out into the wild and found a stream. I took of my boots, socks and arm cloths. I went into the water and began to search and cath fish. I felt a presence coming and knew exactly that it was Hisoka. "fufufu~ it seems that my play doll is fishing~ becareful not to get wet my dear~" He said with a wide eye-smile that was obviously fake. I just rolled my eyes and said, "hai~ hai~ I won't~ Why are you even here may I ask?" I said sarcastically. "fu~ it seems my dear doll is becoming sarcastic with me~ that is very sweet~" I swear a sweatdrop appeared on my head..... I shook my head. "what are you doing there anyways? Come on and catch fish with me. These fishes are getting irritating and keep on splashing everywhere. Its no fun~" I pouted. He just chuckled and took out his clown shoes and rolled up his pant while coming into the water.

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