The Bringing of the Characters

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Authors note: Hey guys and gals I'm bringing you this new--ish story because I figured why not so with out a further ado let us begin.

(My P.O.V)

I just watched the latest episode (no spoilers will be said until that episode fyi) and then it hit me literally I dropped my tablet on my face causing it to open wattpad. What I saw was a bunch of watching Miraculous ladybug stories then my idea came using my author powers I summand the entire class (well except Lila). I realised it would probably take a while for them to wake up I went to make some hot chocolate.

(Marinette P.O.V)

I open my eyes wait did I pass out last thing I remember was running as fast as I could to get school then a bright light and next thing I know I'm here passed out on the ground. Looking around I see I'm not the only one here. I can see my class mates but some one else came to mind as I checked my bag "Tikki you there?" I asked as quietly as I could incase someone was awake luckily no one heard me unlucky Tikki was not in my bag. I panicked what if she's sick like last time or an akuma attacks I was brought out of my panicked state when I saw everyone else waking up.

(Normal P.O.V)

As Marinette looked around at her now conscious classmates she was near tackled to the ground by Alya who brought her into a friendly hug "you okay girl?" "I'm good Alya, any idea how we got here?" "not a clue". On the other side of the room Nino and Adrien were having a similar conversation "dude you alright?" "Ya thanks Nino" "you got any clue why we're we are" "not a clue". A small burst of light appeared forcing everyone to cover their eyes. The light quickly dissipated and all the was left was a teenage boy with a mug in his hand "oh good your all awake now then I guess introductions are in order" he takes a quick ship from his mug before placing in down "my name is Gunslinger125 and I'm the one who brought you here".

A familier blonde haired teen made her way to the front of the group "excuse but do you have any idea who I am?". Gunslinger took another ship from his mug before answering with "of course I do your Chloe Bourgeois daughter of mayor of Paris André Bourgeois and your mother Audrey Bourgeois" Chloes had a surprise look on her face "h-h-how do you know that?" "Sorry lass but now is not the time to play twenty questions kay" gunslinger snapped his fingures and the back wall changed to a screening room.

"Now the reason I brought you all here is to watch a certain show that I'm sure you'll all be interested in" "so you mean to tell us that you brought is here to watch tv?" Alex asked "well if you don't want to find out who Ladybug and Chat Noir are under the mask is fine by me, I'll just send yas back home" gunslinger raised his hand to send them back when Alya spoke up "wait we get to find out who Ladybug and Chat Noir are?" "yep, so you all ready to get this thing started" a chorus of comfimation was heard " great threes things before we get started first Ladybug, Chat your kawaiis are safe and will be returned at the end of the first episode we watch second your names are on your seats no swapping without my say so and no complaining and finally we can either go to the two parter origins episodes or go to episode one?" "I think I speak for all of us when we want to see the origins episodes".

(Seating plan)
Chloe,me (me as in the author)
:toilets: :consetion stand:

Everyone one headed to their seats well not everyone when Chloe saw Adrien going towards the front she followed suit but was stopped when Gunslinger appeared right in front of her "sorry lass but you seat is at the back not the front" "but if i don't my poor Adrikins will have to sit beside t-those lo-losers" Guns had an unamused look on his face "boo-who now go back to your seat before I glue you to it" Chloe sulked to the back of the seats but something caught Guns attention "did she stutter when she insulted Mari, Alya and Nino?". He was brought out of his thoughts by Nino calling him"hey dude you gonna start this or not" "ya just a sec" he took his seat beside Chloe "Now let's begin"

Authors note: heya yall hope you love the first part the second will be up soon but first regarding my othe projects they are slowly coming along but their is one thing I need you help with you see on the story Gaming Legends United I asked you guys my readers to say how you want the sole survivor, dovakiin and shepard(s) be like and what armour, weapons and others stuff but only one person has done that so please if you are a fan of any of those games plz tell me how you want them.

On the Protectors one I need time for this cause I'm currently on the third rewriting of the current chapter and its a long one with near six thousand words and I haven't even gotten onto the Brave section yet so I'm sorry its taking so long to finish

And finally the transformers one I'm sorry but that isn't my top priority right now I'm not even sure why I published the characters parts any way once the Protectors chapter up this will be bumped up till then I'm sorry

Thanks to 
For becoming my first set of followers

Anywho that's all for now folks the next part will be up soon this I can guarantee so later yall

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