Chapter 1

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Damian pov

The sky was getting darker, it would be night soon and Raven hadn't woken up. When the team split. Raven and I chose to strike out on our own. But what good it did us when we were ambushed by these flying demons. Raven said that her father never owned these types of demons before. And they did draw blood, unlike Trigon's servants. She had been hit by one in the head. We're just lucky this guy called John Constantin was by with his magical house. I got up off the balcony and headed inside. John collected many things, but this one object had Trigon written all over it. I heard foot steps and turned to see the form that the house had taken to interact with people. "Damian she has awoken and wishes to see you"
while I was here with Raven now, I thought it best to go and see her.

Raven was sat up against the wall in bed. John was in the room when I entered. "Damian, I'm glad you came" John was one for collecting and both Raven and myself have demon heritage, something he finds interesting. "What is it John?" Raven, who had been quiet, spoke in his place. "It's my father, He's attempting to free himself" I walked over and sat on the bed next to her. Few understand us and our heritage about magic and demons, but it's the reason she and I have gotten along so well. "We won't let, he won't be free, never again" Raven didn't seem so confident as I did on the matter. "That's not all, he said that the new God's war would tear the plain of existence apart if he wasn't free" Things were now getting tricky, Our only hope is that the outlaws see the flaw of killing and rejoin the team. But the likely hood of that happening is low. John had left the room by now and things were starting to get tense. I only wonder our Richards is taking his job in Blud'haven.

Nightwing pov

:October 8th: 11:04 EDT:

Things were not looking as they did before. The team was a mess and half were following Red Hood around killing criminals. And the report we had received was that some cultists were stealing a bucket load of gems from a magic store in southern Metropolis. The team I had assembled before me was Red Robin, Blue Beetle, Batgirl and myself. I breath in and then begin "Ok, this is what we know, the cultists are from a cult called the Blood Cult, they seek to release someone called Trigon and in order to do that, their stealing gems from magic shops across the world. But the gems here in Metropolis are fad rarer and worth more then a fortune. We need to stop them and bring them in for questioning, any questions" Batgirl was the one sith the questioned this time round, normally it would be one of the younger team members but they all seemed to have grown. "And if we encounter members of the Outlaws" I smiled and she already knew the answer. "We take them down" We moved to the zeta tube and entered.

"Recognised Nightwing B01, Batgirl B16, Red Robin B20, Blue Beetle B22"

:Metropolis-Madam zandu's Magic store:
:October 8th: 11:10 EDT:

The blood cultist had already loaded half a truck full of the gems when we arrived. It seemed that they were more armed then I had anticipate. Pulling out my batons, I charge forward, the team following behind. "We have company" yelled one pf the guards. Seconds later another replied "Is it the Outlaws?"

I smiled and smacked down with my leg before smacking another in the head with my baton and replying "Nope, you get to live" I smiled aa they came running at us, this was going to be a good exercise. I jumped back as a guy came at me, a sword in his hands. He slices down but I dodge him and kick out his legs. Another comes at me. Seconds later, a giant hole is in his chest. I look behind me to see Cyborg standing beside Lagoon boy alongside red arrow. "I didn't believe you would join them Lagoon boy, nor you Red arrow but cyborg, after what happened to your dad did to help, I would think you would be helping people" "I am Nightwing, just not in the way you would've thought" I stand ready for a fight, knowing full well that they wouldn't change their mind, not after having killed now too. But I had to try. "Red Hood isn't who he was before. Jason isn't the same anymore" "That's what they all say, but we heven't seen the Earth any safer till now" This is no longer them, What was the league thinking ataying out of this, they would have to get involoved now they have lost a member to the Outlaws. I charge forwars and bring my batons down. The three move tot he side and around to kill the remaining blood cultist. I pull out my comm and speak fast. 'Team, the Outlaws are here, protect the blood cultists and take down Cyborg, Red Arrow and Lagoon Boy, I'm calling for back up"

Batgirl pov

Rich had just commed us all. I was all ready in position for them when they came around the corner. I stood ready and moved forward. They weren't ready for my fast strike. Rich had taught me much in "our" break from the team. I moved forward and struck fast at Cyborg. Red Robin and Blue beetle had come over and began to strike back. Blue taking on Lagoon Boy while Red Robin took on Red Arrow. I dodged a blast and threw a batarang at Cyborg before jumping over him and landing behind him. "Cyborg, you were our friend, why have you joined the Outlaws" Cyborg turned to fight back, but also spoke "I'm helping the world rid crime forever, like Jason wants, he knows what it takes to get the job done" I was getting tied of his excuses and just decided to break the news to him. "Cyborg, Star labs in Bkud'haven was attacked while Nightwing and I were working for the police department there. You father was caught was in battle and was forced to aid the criminals in giving them technology" "Yeah, so Red Hood took care of the criminals" "Yes, but he didn't tell you the whole story did he" Cyborg then stopped fighting. He looked at me and then motioned for the others to stop fighting. "Go on" "What we saw on the camera was Red Hood at Star Labs. He didn't just kill the criminals, but all those who were forced to aid them, your father included"

Third person pov

Cyborg's world shattered as he recived the news. His father was dead, Red Hood had told him that the criminals had killed them, but here was Batgirl, one he trusts, telling him otherwise. He was starting to question his choice of sides. Walking the line between Hero and Villain or walking the line of Hero. It was clear from the look on Red Arrow and Lagoon boy's face that they didn't know what Red Hood did. They too were starting to question but they then came to a choice and left. Cyborg fell to his knees. unable to process and comprehend what he had just heard. Red Hood had changed, the Jason he knew was gone. Getting up, Cyborg turned and left before speaking "I'm leaving, I'm not standing around anymore while others are killing innocent people when they were forced against their will. I will not stand by anymore" With that Cyborg left through a boom tube.

Cyborg pov

:Desert Island:
:October 8th: 3:06 EDT:

I stood on an island in the middle of nowwhere. This is where my life come to. But if the others have hope, then I do too.

Third person pov

A blue ring flew down towarsa the desert island. The sector of 2891 (Think thats the sector with Earth in it) required a lantern. Having detected the amount of hope coming of Cyborg, it flew over came to him before speaking "Victor Stone of Earth, you have shown great Hope in times of darkness and rage. You have been selected for the Blue lantern corps as Blue lantern of sector 2891" Cyborg moved his hand over, taking the ring in his hand and placing it on his fingure. A blue light cast around him as his body was changed. A blue uniform forming around him. "As long as their is hope, I shall always be there" Cyborg flew off, heading straight for Red Hood, he had a message for him.

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