Chapter 8: Justice for Kills

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"Thank you so much, President Kim. we look forward to working with you" we shook hands and bid goodbyes.

"Where's Roseanne?" I asked the guard beside me.

"She called us, she said she's on the way"

"Okay, tell her to stay here and I'll be meeting up with somebody" The guards nodded.

I made my way to my car, and start the engine. I have to
meet up with my Aunt, the one who manages my business called "J.K" Justice for Kills.

it's a program, where we help victims and solve crimes legally, it's also one of the reasons why I became famous.

I made this because I wanted to 'help', to help those who needs it. I don't want them to feel the way I felt when my family was murdered and I even got blamed for it..


"Congratulations Jennie!"

"Jennie Kim! Jennie Kim!"
The crowd cheered. it was one of my biggest achievements.

winning the 'Long Rage Pistol
Shooting', My country was proud of me, everyone was and
even made a Billboard for me.

after a few months, I got scouted by a Company and be a model for their product.

I got famous and my Career got better, I was earning lots of money and got busy in College too.

But they did gave me a short
holiday, and so I'm on the way to home. I bought food and bought my Siblings stuff they want, just to repay them my absence for being busy.

"Eomma! Appa! Chan! Jiyeon Unnie! I'm home!" I shouted happily and locked the door.
I took off my sandals and went to the living room.

Aish where are they?

I went to the Kitchen, and what I saw was.. so cruel..
I dropped all the stuff I was carrying and I almost fainted
and my knees went weak..

I burst into tears as I walk over to my sister.. blood all over the floor, and a gun shot on her chest, in the exact location of her heart.

"Unnie!" I screamed, cupping
my sister's face. "Unnie! wake up! Eomma! Appa!" I screamed, I shook her body but there was no.. use.

I went to check on the bathroom and saw my little brother Chan, Appa and Eomma
on the tub.

their bodies layered on top of each other.




"The Famous Kim Jennie, is now being arrested for the crime, Murder. A gun was found at the back of their house and it was said, it was the gun Jennie used in the International Long Rage Pistol shooting and was also used to kill her own family"


"Jennie Kim, you and your father has a recent argument with each other, right?" I remained a straight face.

"Because he was making decisions for you in college right? He wanted a different course but you didn't want that right? Is that the reason why you killed him huh?"

"Objection your Honor! the question is inappropriate"

"Objection Denied, Please go on."

"You killed him right? just admit it, You even got angry for Managing your money cause you were selfish! and your Mother wasn't on your side! and now you killed them! you killed them!"

I attacked on him, punching his face multiple times but eventually stopped when they
pulled me, stopping me.

I was then locked up in prison, for a year.

"You got yourself a new mate"
The police told the inmates and shoving me inside the cage.

I sat on the corner, hugging my knees as I sob.

Life wasn't easy inside the Prison, I got beat up most of the time, I got stabbed, I was basically tortured inside.

but eventually I got out of prison, for almost a year of investigations and it was proven that I didn't kill them and that they didn't have enough evidence.

it was such a poor reason that I killed my father and mother for making decisions for me in college, I'm not an immature, and people know I couldn't do that.

When I got out, my Aunt was there to help me. I worked for her, in the Radio Station
and became a popular voice jockey for giving people advises although it was hard at that time since I was just a 'newly released'.

Then again, I got scouted by different Comapnies until I earned enough money and bought a Station and a Studio for my Program "J.K".

Justice for Kills

It became popular, and I helped out lots of people and even solved crimes. they paid me alot, but I wasn't really doing it just for the money.

I was doing it for the innocents. for Justice.

and of all the thousands of crimes I helped out, I still didn't solved mine.

Who killed my family.

I did receive a lot of negative comments like "how can she be trusted? she used to be an inmate" but that didn't let me down.

I hired a butler and a personal trainer, Dok Kyung Soo. He taught me Martial Arts, and Boxing. There were much better trainers than him but I know he has a potential
and we became best friends.

I did start my own company and hired lots of employees.

I also started lots of businesses and lots of them were successful. I became very famous of all of that.

I then met a hardworking girl that I met in a Coffee shop, her name is Park Chaeyoung.

she was polite and very hard working and I hired her as my Assistant, and little did I knew she became one of the best Assistants I had.

We became Bestfriends, we are practically sisters and she became close with my butler Kyungsoo.

End Of Flashback

but over the years of my Success I haven't found that person who killed my family.

I haven't got 'my' Justice, I almost lost hope but..

Kim Jisoo.

she came, I felt like she has the key to my life. I felt like she knows something that can help me. that can solve my problems.

and I need to find her.
[A/N: You finally know Jennie's Background story, haha who thought 'J.K' is Jennie Kim?]

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