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"I'm so excited." Bey says, smiling from ear to ear.

"I can see." I chuckle.

"Well, I've never got to plan a birthday party before." she pouts. "And this is for my baby."

"Awww." Raquelle smiles.

To see Bey and Julian act the way they do is beyond words. I can't help but to be in awe of their relationship. I think I'm actually kind of jealous he may like her more than me. I love how those two can be so naturally crazy for one another. I see it that Blue is gonna be the same way with her and I can't wait to witness the greatness of her motherhood.

"Well just think, you'll be planning more in the future." I say.

"Mhm, and you're welcome to help me with the next one." Raquelle adds.

"You know I'm in." Bey laughs.

The three of us grew silent as the sounds of soft cries from up above became more and more audible.

"Aww, my Bluepooh." Raquelle pouts.

"Mama got her." I say, looking up at the ceiling.

"She's only been sleeping for an hour." Bey looked at the time.

"I guess she said she up now." I laugh. Ethan walked into the room with a gift bag in his hands.

"Hey everyone." he waved.

"Hey." the ladies smiled.

"What up wit you man?" I say, holding out a hand.

"Man, I searched that entire store for his game." he shook my hand.

"And?" Raquelle chimed.

"He's in luck." Ethan said. I laughed.

"See, I planned ahead of all y'all." I dust my shoulder off.

"Oh please." Raquelle nudged my arm. "You were just asking me questions last night."

The more time flew by, the closer it was to it being time for the party. Rick and Julian would be here at any given minute and we still weren't done setting up. Luckily we had some helping hands from a few of his friends.

"Now everyone remember when Ethan says he sees Rick coming in with Julian, that's our cue." Bey says, all eyes on her.

"We heard, for the fourth time now." Lisa says lowly.

"Lisa." mama glared.

"Shorty finally listening to something." I look at Lisa. She rolled her eyes.

I don't know how one can be so young and bitter.

I finished wrapping my gifts for Julian in the batman wrapping paper, along with black bows. When Julian first came into this world, I treated him like my own son. He had everything. I made sure Rick and Quelle were straight and in need of nothing without a problem. Today he's five years old. Where does the time go?

"Shawn, do you mind running to grab the cake?" I hear Raquelle say, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I forgot to grab it this morning."

"Nah." I shake my head. "Anybody wanna ride wit me?"

I looked as a few little hands went up in the air. I grabbed two of Julian's best friends, Kamar and Jayden.

I sat the gifts on the table with the rest and grabbed my keys. Before we could reach the door, the ladies handed me a short list of items that I guess they had forgotten. It never fails.

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