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[Okay i have to say this is the first story like thing i have ever wrote. I can take negative opinions so feel free to shit on this, but please do it in a constructive manner]

I was standing in the conning tower of my massive submarine looking at the vastness of the ocean. It was quite beautiful, but.. boring. Commanding a nuclear strategic submarine can be quite dull to be honest. Ussualy its just silent patrolling. A special mission here and there. There was this one time we had to take our spy back to motherland from the american coast, for a month our 941 had to sit 370m under the sea in some random opening, while angry american boats tried to find us. Good times. I have been serving here for two years now, and i have grown attached to the crew. This is a... unique crew. Most of the crew consists of convicted murderers, thiefs and a few intellectuals that went againts the government. Handpicked by me from various prisons and gulags

The rest are soviet officers. Now im waiting for...

???: (y/n) come down here, commrade we are beggining the test!

Oh fuck me... It's that old fart again...

(y/n): Right away Capitan Petrov!

Okay. The submarine is not technically mine. Not yet at least. That poor excuse of a capitan just sits in his quarters and listens to music, while all of the responsibilities fall to me. Im sick of this and after today's test i am going to get rid of him. Seeing how the killer part of the crew loves me it should be quite easy to seize control. I looked at the rest of pepole around me in the tower. Call me crazy but around psychos i feel safe. They owe me their lives, and would follow me to hell and back. So i took my overcoat and went back to the tower's hatch, and went down the ladder.

Inside the tower waited my second in command, lieutenant Tanya Volkov. She is the only officer that i have recruited from prison.

Fiercely loyal, intelligent and skilled in hand to hand combat. Volkov didn't seem like other cold blooded psychopaths that she was thrown into prison with. She seemed like a bubbling young woman, that is until her darker side comes out.

I think she broke a few records keeping that man alive for so long... OH WELL, MOVING ON.

Always clean navy uniform, short brown hair, cut just above her shoulders and green eyes. She pointed to the side. I nodded stepping away form the hatch to the command compartment.

Tanya: So (y/n) are we doing it? Everyone is eager and thirsty for blood. I would love to kill one of those stale fools myself.

(y/n): Yes, yes the plan hasn't changed.

My dear loyal Tanya, i remember getting you out of that stinking hole like it was yesterday.

[Flashback one year]

Stepping out of the car i breathed in the cold urban air.

Before me was a large building of the Vladimir's Central Complex. The biggest prison in russia and my favorite hunting ground.

Stepping in i have been greated by the guards

Guard one: Hello comrade (y/n)! Recruting again?

(y/n): Yes now please go ahead and open the door.

Guard two: Right away, comrade.

Being the youngest first officer in the navy, with a few brutal stories around him has its perks. One that i love is the story that i ordered to kill everyone in the tavern becouse somone spit on my shoes.


Inside i have been greeted by the warden himself.

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