Death machine part one

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Death machine: Chapter 1

**Alexia's P.O.V**

Today I move away almost half way across the world.I can't wait to get there and live my dream life. Hopefully.

I sat there in my room looking at the stuff that I couldn't bring with me at Bradford. My closet, bed, ETC.

Most of all I'm going miss Grover. BTW he's my dog. The college doesn't accept dogs. So I decided to give him to my sister Skyler she's only 11 and she always wanted a dog. I also have two twin brothers, Tyler and Kyle there 15 years old.

I'm really going to miss my family . but on the bright side they were the last ones I saw before leaving for the airport.





I finally arrived at the airport scared to death. If you wonder why it's cause I'm supposed to GET ON that death machine. Most people call the death machine an air plane though." Please don't let me die " I prayed out loud.

We'll it was either that or a Boat and let me tell you if anything I wouldn't be caught dead on a boat. Have you EVER seen the Titanic.

Not only it's a terrifying movie but IT'S BASED ON A TRUE that's why I'm about to enter hell and the last place that I'll be alive.the airplane.

" Please buckle your seat-belts were about to take off in 2 minutes." the air plane lady said.

I took my seat and instantly put on my seatbelt.

"Why hello there" a blond kid with blue eyes said. "um hello?" I had NO clue what to say. why the hell is this kid around my age talking to me.?

He looked at me like I had 3 head with snake hair.

( did you guess who it is yet I'll give you another hint he's Irish. If you still don't know there is something WRONG with you )

** Niall's P.O.V**

( BTW it's Niall the guy. 😄)

I just got on the plane with the mates. Zayn, Harry, Liam and Louis.

There was only one spot left. luckily for me the spot was next to the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my life.

She had long wavy brown hair blue/green eyes and the most beautiful voice.wait did I just say beautiful voice I haven't hear it yet.

I took the seat next to the girl.

"Why hello there"i said taking a big risk since she might scream and blow my ear drums."um hello?" she responded . screaming. Shocker. I don't get it. does she NOT know who she's talking to?. oh we'll. I might as well carry on with the conversation.but no words came out.

**Alexia's P.O.V**

What's up with this guy he's just staring at me with his mouth open. But no word come out . So I decide to take charge and say " hi I'm Alexia. Usually I wouldn't say anything but it looks like your frozen. are you O.K?"

"uh yeah I'm Niall" he still has that same expression on his face I want to slap it off SOOO BADLY.

And then the plane started to shake a little witch I obviously reacted to.

"HOLY MOTHER OF FUCKING GOD!!! WERE GONNA DIE. WERE GONNA DIE!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. getting ALOT of stares.

And I see NIALL laughing!

"Why the hell are you laughing? were gonna DIE!"

"We're not going to die princess. it happens all the time. I guess it's your first time on a plane?" he chuckled.

"No shit Sherlock" I hissed.

" And I'm not a princess. Especially to a random stranger like you.'' I said in a mean tone. Maybe to mean.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. it's just a habit of mine."he said in guilt and shame.

Why does it always happen to me. you see when I make Someone feel guilty or shameful I fell REALLY bad.😔

" sorry I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I'm just very scared of planes and when people I don't know call me 'princess' I didn't want you to feel bad."

Then I think I saw the most adorable thing in the world.

He smiled at me. I know . I know . it's JUST a smile. But this one was different.

Picture it. a blond haired, blue eyes Irish kid. while having the most adorable smile on his face.

"Uh excuse me" he excused himself.and walked away.

** Niall's P.O.V**

Wow. apparently to her I'm a '' random stranger".

I decided to go to the boys.

"Hey Niall what's up?" Liam greeted me.

" nothing how about you guys?" I asked already bored.why did I come hear again?

" We were just talking about that -girl were guessing- who screamed ' holy mother of fucking god.were going to die.were gonna die'." Louis explained. And they all started laughing

" Oh yeah. that girl. she's the one I'm sitting next to. And guess what she doesn't know who we are. NOT even ME.".

I said.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked.

"Your so dumb Harry.a girl doesn't know who we are." Zayn had to explain to Harry like 3 times.

Sorry if it's bad and it take long to get to the point😄

- Alexia xox😉

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