Day Four - Archetype

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"An 84?!" You exclaimed with a squeal, Dieter chuckling nervously in response and now rubbing the nape of his neck rapid fire—far quicker than his typical speed. "Dieter, on the mock final of your hardest subject?? That's fantastic!"

"Ahh, but it's a low B.." he giggled modestly, avoiding your ebullient gaze. What your tutee couldn't dodge, however, was your trademark "Stop Being So Hard On Yourself" embrace. Before your victim could react, you had wrapped your arms around his upper-torso—including his arms—and squeezed the teenager until he began patting your arm and breathlessly repeating "Okay! Okay! A B is a B! Uncle, [F/n], uncle!"

"That's what I thought!" You declared triumphantly, releasing your wheezing friend. "Universities don't care about the exact percentage of your grade, Dieter. They only see the letter. And you're above average!"

"I guess...?" Dieter grinned, cautiously optimistic. You, on the other hand, had whipped out your wallet, vehemently searching for your credit card.

"A celebration is in order!" You motioned grandly to you and Dieter's environment, which was the typical Sunbucks the two of you hosted tutoring sessions at. "I'll pay for anything below 50,000 won!"

"What? Seriously?" Dieter gaped. "What, do you think I'm going to buy a full course meal here? At least let me pick a place with more food than drinks." Upon noticing what his last sentence implied, a brilliant burst of crimson overtook Dieter's otherwise pale features; a horrified look donned his face, and he began to wave his hands dismissively as your grinch smile grew. "Wait, [F/n], that was not supposed to be taken seriously. You are not going to treat me to-"

"Au contraire, mon amie. Au contraire." You said smugly, turning to the window installed conveniently close to you and Dieter's workplace. "So, where to? Not WacDonalds, their food could kill rats."


"Please let me? You've been working so hard lately, and it's paying off! You deserve this," you pleaded, looking back to the unsure blonde. "If you're that concerned it'll look too much like a date, you can call some friends and tell them to meet up with us."

"A d-d-d-date???" Dieter stumbled over each syllable of his two-syllable question, eyes as wide as saucers. He continued to bluster, not really caring for forming thoughts before sentences. "I- I mean, how did you know I was...?"

"Well, you just told me."

Dieter proscessed what you had said, and seemed to calm down after a tired sigh. "That is so you. Anyways, [F/n], I think of you as an older sibling, if anything-"

"The feeling is mutual," you reassured him teasingly, Dieter chuckling softly in response.

"..Right. So, if we really are doing this, can I invite Soushi?"

You checked what you remembered about Soushi off on your mental list. "Yep! Anyone else?"

"Anyone else?" Dieter echoed, taken aback to the point he nearly reclined his non-reclinable chair onto the wooden floor below, barely rebalancing himself. "Oh, uh, sorry," Dieter murmured after he recovered from said flurry of panic, flustered once more. "I didn't think I would be able to invite more friends. Soushi eats a lot, you know. You might just want to leave it with him."

"Nah," you blew your chest out like a puffin of hubris, flicking a wrist delicately. "I can handle him. What about Yeong-Gi and his girlfriend?"

"Them, too."

You asked if he wanted to invite that one friend he had—whose name you didn't want to butcher—the pale, rambunctious and sharp-tongued one with straight, middle-parted, dirty blonde hair and tresses that brushed his shoulders. However, Dieter soon explained that he and Yeon-Gi's girlfriend had some negative interactions, and he'd rather invite her than he.

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