richie tozier

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The strangled scream escaped your lips as your legs flew against hard wind. Richie "Trashmouth" Tozier barely even did so much as glance at Bowers and his gang before sprinting just behind you. Quickly looking over your shoulder, you saw that the bullies were gaining on you. Barely two feet separated the two groups. You look over and see Rich... smiling? Was he laughing? He definitely was smiling.
How did you get here? Well, it was just after school and you were about to share ice cream with Greta, a popular girl in your grade, before Richie decided to run an unintentional insult off of his tongue just as Bowers was about to leave him alone. He grabbed your hand as his legs started to fly, bringing you with him. You barely had time for protest to escape your lips before you were on the run.
Viktor knocks you out of reminiscence, and you feel your knees make contact with concrete. They leave bright red marks in their wake. You get up, then notice Richie laying completely on his back next to you, seemingly in worse condition. His chunky glasses were broken in the middle.
"Hey! You!" It takes your mind a few seconds to process that you were the one speaking.
"Yeah, you, Bowers! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?! Huh? Too weak?"
What were you saying? God, you could imagine what it was like to be Richie now.
You saw the anger flare in Henry's eyes, and you slap him straight across the face. Viktor and Belch both make a small "ooh" sound, like it hurt them too.
Henry pulls out a knife.
Just when it seems like you're paralyzed in place, a freckled palm starts to drag you away. Apparently, Richie had gotten up at some point. "Come on!"
And you run, and suddenly you're giddy with laughter as well, and all you can hear is yours and Richies voices and the pitter-patter of sneakers on pavement (or boots, in your scenario). He suddenly jerks you into some alleyway to be sure that Bowers is gone, gets down on one knee, and pulls out a ring pop he happened to have in his pocket at the time. The thought occurred that maybe it didn't just happen to be there.
"Will you marry me?" Richie says, winded, breathing heavily and ragged, though a few fits of laughter escape his lips.
And you smile.
And the blood from your knees starts to drip.

ick disclaimer that this idea isnt mine but i dont remember where i got it from sorry:/

© 2018 arahex All Rights Reserved

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2018 ⏰

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