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Jimin's POV
  I was running so fast I guess I didn't see where I was going. I bumped into something and fell. I looked up and realized it wasn't something but someone. Out of all people it had to be... 

N A M J O O N 

  He hasn't done anything to me yet, but my eyes were already filling with tears. "Na-nam-joon, I'm so s-o sorry I didn't *sniff* didn't mean to bump into y-you". I'm pathetic, I can't even look at him.

Author's POV
  Namjoon slowly walks towards Jimin. "Ahh, it's my favorite little toy, Jimin!" He then grabs his chin and forces Jimin to look at him. Namjoon's friends soon made a circle around them leaving Jimin with nowhere to run off to.

  Namjoon slams Jimin against the wall making him hit his head pretty damn hard. As a reflect he pushed Namjoon back and touched the back of his head, blood, he was bleeding.

  Jimin had come back to his senses and realized what he had done. He had just pushed Namjoon! Jimin's eyes had finally met with Namjoon's, and they were not happy at all, "You little bitch, I'm gonna fuck you up!"

  In a split second Jimin was tacked to the ground, his head hit once more. He met Namjoon's eyes once again and mumbled a soft "sorry". He simply smirked and replied with, "sorry won't cut it". Jimin was then punched in the jaw, he could taste the metallic iron flavor of his blood. Namjoon's friends slowly approaching him as his vision got slightly blurry.

  Jimin tried his best to protect himself from their brutal kicks but that didn't seem to help much. The only thing Jimin could do was sob and hope for it to end soon. 

Jimin's POV
  This continued for what felt like hours. Once they had finally finished Namjoon bent down, "Well that was fun, wasn't it? Same time tomorrow faggot." And as a farewell he kicked me one final time before walking away laughing.

  I couldn't get up, I couldn't move. It hurt too much; the pain felt unbearable. My head was throbbing, my body was aching. But I just have to deal with it, I slowly and carefully pulled myself off the ground hissing constantly.

I limped towards my tree praying that the stabbing pain would stop, "ow, oww, owieeee!". I sat with tears starting to form in my eyes once again. I buried my head in my knees with my arms around them as I sobbed.

"Hey, are you okay?"

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