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"I didn't realise you were completely stupid," Travers laughed as Delphi stopped in the centre of the Atrium.
"I'm not," she called back, "I'm coming back to take what I deserve."
"A little selfish, isn't it?" Travers grinned.
"If that's how you feel," Delphi smiled, "You should know exactly how many fucks I give. I don't care what you think anymore. It isn't selfish, because it's what you deserve and it's one thing I can use to heal myself," she didn't wait to hear the response as she raised her hands, summoning every hidden moment of anger and pain that she had ever felt at the hands of these people. And she unleashed utter chaos. Above the Rebellion, windows exploded, the frames fell, one by one, being sucked into a whirlwind around Delphi. There were frantic shouts and the rest of Rebellion appeared, wands raised. Delphi felt more anger surge through her – every single person there had been given the chance to make the right choice, to wipe the slate clean, and they had all turned it down in favour of this. In favour of the belief that the blood in their veins made them superior to others. Delphi didn't regret what she was doing as she let the hurricane of wood and glass around her destroyed more of the walls. Others might have compared her to the people she was fighting, but she knew she wasn't like them. She wasn't going to regret it because they had put many more people through a lot worse and were prepared to do it again. For themselves. She was doing what she was doing to make sure no one else ever went through what she did, "THEY GAVE YOU EVERY CHANCE!" she yelled, "We gave you every chance to turn, but you still insist that you're better than us! There are no more chances!"
"Us?" Travers laughed as more wands appeared behind him.
"Yes," Delphi called back, "Us," she didn't know what form of magic she was using. There was no structure to what she was doing, no incantation. Just years of pure, red rage, busting out of her. She could see they were beginning retreat from the whirlwind that she had become.
"THIS WON'T STOP YOU HEARING SCREAMS IN YOUR SLEEP!" Euphemia roared over the din, "This won't stop you checking over your shoulder to make sure everyone is safe! This won't stop it!"
"I KNOW!" Delphi roared back as she rose into the air, "But this will make sure that no one else ends up in that position. This will stop anyone else from hearing those screams, from constantly checking, from pacing their home every night because they're too scared to sleep! This will make sure people don'thave to stop living their lives because they're too burnt out to fly!" sheraised her hands and pushed every speck of debris at them, trapping them in a prison that was so tightly woven with magic, that there was only one piece that could be removed at a time. Delphi landed on the floor and looked around. Gem was standing at the far end of the Atrium. Delphi hurried towards her, "Didn't they tell you not to come?" she hugged Gem, "I could have hurt you."
"Delphi," Gem smiled disbelievingly, "I'm fine. Believe me. I know I look like hell because I haven't slept in a week and a half, but I'm just worried about you." Delphi hugged her again.
"Don't go," she whispered.
"I'm not going anywhere," Gem smiled, "Apart from to sleep at some point. Come on, let's go find the others." The two of them climbed into the Telephone Box and Delphi dialled 62442. They rose through the ceiling slowly.
"They won't escape, will they?" Gem said quickly. Delphi shook her head.
"The entire structure is interlocked with magic," she explained, "It'll be hard to get inside from the outside anyway. It's impossible to get out. I got a bit angry." Gem nodded, laughing, "Where are the others waiting?" Delphi asked.
"Just up here," Gem said as the door opened. Albus, Scorpius, Harry, Ginny and Hermione stood worriedly in front of the door.
"They're trapped," Delphi said, "It can be collapsed from the outside, with difficultly, but I'd be prepared."
"We will be," Hermione smiled, "Thank you, Delphi."
"It's fine," Delphi said.
"Come on," Gem took her arm, "Let's get home. We've got to open the shop in the morning. And I need to sleep." 

Too Burnt Out to FlyWhere stories live. Discover now