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A scream is heard from the laundry room.
Wonpil comes running into the living room, carrying his beloved pink sweater, which is now covered in bleach stains. "Who did this!?" He yells, Jae looking up from his video game in surprise. Dowoon, who is sat besides Jae, gasps at the sight, making Jae erupt into laughter.
"It was you, wasnt it!?" Wonpil accuses, directing his attention towards Jae. "What!? How could you accuse me of such a thing?" Jae feigns innocently, putting a mock hand over his heart. "You're always insulting it!" Wonpil replied, upset,
"Blame Brain, not me! He's the one who dared me to do it!" Jae answered, pointing their room. "So you did do it! How could you!? that was my favorite sweater, hyung!" Wonpil cried, hugging his favorite sweater. "I was doing you a favor, trust me. None of us liked it. Not even Dowoon!" Jae stared at Dowoon, waiting for an answer.
"Please don't drag me into this. I kinda liked it." Dowoon raised his hands aloof as if he's surrendering. "He's just saying that because he's your best friend. Trust me, Pil. It was time to lay that sweater to rest. It was long coming." Jae teases, muffled laughter can be heard beside him.
"I can't believe you right now, hyung." Wonpil frowned. "Wait. Are you actually mad?" Jae asked, beginning to get a little worried. Wonpil knew himself, he had never ever gotten upset at the older before that it actually feels strange.. "I-i'm just upset. You don't do that to peoples stuff, hyung." Wonpil mumbled.
Up until this point, Jae's teasing and pranks had never actually ever upset him, so the older was extremely surprised to see that something so small upset him this time. Wonpil knows Jae definitely pulled worse stunts than this. "It's not that big of a deal. Stop being a baby. It was hideous and you looked bad in it. I did you a favor." Jae enunciated, hitting the spot.
"B-but I liked the way I looked in it. the fans liked it too." Wonpil reasoned out, a hurt look flashing over his eyes. "No Wonpil, I'm sorry. It was hella ugly, my man. It made you look like a colossal argyle nightmare." Jae managed, shaking his head.
"You're so mean." Wonpil said, voice beginning to waver. "Oh my goodness. Are you gonna cry?" Jae asked in panic, hands on his nape. "N-no." Wonpil denies, though the crack in his voice gives him away. "Oh my god. You can't be serious. You can't be about to cry." Jae deadpanned.
Jae's jaw drops, and gets a (formerly) pink sweater thrown at him, Wonpil running off into his bedroom and slamming the door. He was greeted by Sungjin but didn't mind him and laid on his bed, sobbing onto his pillow.
"Noona! Let's go to the terrace!" A young boy cheerfully said, hopping at a young girl who looks older than him. "B-but Eomma might be angry..." The girl sighed, holding the thighs of the boy. "Then let's go asked for Eomma's permission!" They both giggled at the suggestion and sauntered towards the huge desk meters away from them.
"Eomma! We're just gonna looked at the terrace!" A woman who looks like in her thirties nodded her head enthusiastically, "Alright. Take care of Wonpil, Ahreum and be careful. The next building is currently under construction." The woman warned, making Wonpil giggle.
"Noona~!" Ahreum, the young girl nodded her head and bowed in respect. She playfully walked towards the terrace, making Wonpil laughed. "Noona! I'll be six years old tomorrow! Can we celebrate my birthday in the terrace?" The younger curiously asked, waiting for a positive reaction.
"We should checked the terrace first, if it's alright then we should go asked Eomma." As soon as the kids reach their destination, Ahreum let Wonpil run towards the railing of the terrace. It was actually not the best decision.
The railing of the terrace creaked, and Ahreum immediately grabbed Wonpil and pushed him towards the opposite edge. Unfortunately, the railing fell off their terrace that was soon followed by the out of balance Ahreum.
Wonpil's eyes widened and tried to reach his older sister was immediately become anxious upon seeing how far he is from the ground. He was stunned, unable to move nor to speak and suddenly he lose his consciousness.
He lethargically rolled around the site, not aware of his surroundings. He opened his eyes and found himself in a forests, unknowingly he felt comfortable as if he doesn't even wanna get out of him. He tried opened his mouth yet no words slipped.
He cleared his throat, "Hello?" He asked, technically he doesn't even understand what he said. It just feels right to say it that way. "Uhm. Is anybody here?" His voice only resounded through the forests which made him frowned.
He closed his eyes, concentrating and the cold night breeze didn't even helped him. His eyes widened as he remembered something. A beautiful lady—she said a lot of things but he didn't seemed to remember any of those.
He swatted his forehead in frustration, "Argh! Vhess you idio—Wait! I remember! I remembered my name!" He happily announced, fist aloof as if he win over something. "I'm Ravione Vhess Wexler—"
"And I'm pretty sure you hit yourself on a tree, head first." He looked back, seeing a guy who's much taller than him, walking towards him who looks really worried. "Goodness. Where have you been you pterodactyl?! Are you alright? You smell like—Eik! A woman's perfume!" The guy hollered, covering his mouth as he stared at him bemusedly.
Vhess, who just redeemed himself, blinked naively. "Uhm. Not to sound rude but who are you?" He asked curiously, scratching his cheek. The guy looked at him, wide-eyed. "Are you sure?! I'm your best friend! We're bros since childhood! Hey. This is Zen!"
He covered his ears and scowled. "You're being... loud." He muttered, puckering his lips. "Too loud Wordy boi." He added. "And that's what you call me! Stop saying you didn't know me or something else—" "Please stop rambling... my ears would bled."
[ TYPIST ° i'd like to say that i've gotten the preference where jae bleached wonpil's sweater at a ao3 fanfic. also it's my first time to do this kind of thing since it's my first time roleplaying here in wattpad. but tbh i think i just did good enough to satisfy myself. ]