Nathen pov.
After about 5 minutes in the weird purple bubble I leaned back in it irritated. I laid on the bottom of it and tapped my foot against the side until it went pop! I instantly fell into a conveniently placed chair. I looked across the table at the blonde woman that caused my capture. The grey haired man sat across from me next to the woman. We stared at one another in silence as I tipped my new Cavalier leather hat.
"Greetings. I am Headmaster Ozpin of Beacon Academy." The grey haired man said. "This is Glynda. One of my most trusted professors at Beacon. Do you know what Beacon is?"
"No and I don't really care. I just want to free my captain and I'll be on my way." I said with an irritated gaze at Glynda.
"Well it's a school for young minds with ordinary skills used to help protect the world from trouble." Ozpin explained. "And I feel you're more focused on Glynda for some reason why?"
"Well she kinda put me in a bubble and pulled me like a balloon." I explained leaning back in my chair. "Also that bubble was very uncomfortable."
"Ah I see." Ozpin said. "Well I'd like to offer you a place at my Academy. In return you will be cleared of all crimes you have done and be a free man." He smiled.
"Yeah." I say exaggerated. "That sounds like a great deal but uh I'm going to have to pass." I say.
"What?!" Glynda asked irritated. "You are being given an opportunity to join a prestigious academy and you are declining?! Why?!"
"Because I will only go if I get my F- Captain free too." I say.
"Unfortunately my hands are tied there." Ozpin said. "But uh things can happen during a meeting with the Gallows." Ozpin said with a twinkle in his eyes. "Like oh say an escape or rescue?" I smirked.
"Yeah I guess." I say smiling. "But no I don't want to risk others life unless necessary." I sighed.
"Very well. If you change your mind and don't want to meet the gallows tomorrow I'll be here." Ozpin said when a low whistling caught my attention. I went wide eye and dive at the 2 pushing them to the ground as the wall behind me exploded with debris. I look up and see the Black Pearl, my Captains ship, in the middle of the lagoon firing cannons like crazy. I glare at it and run out into the town to fight off the scum on that ship. I ran through the streets as I came in contact with one of my former crew members.
"Ah if it isn't the child." The man said. His skin covered with cuts and scars. "Here to die so you can join your 'Captain' Nathen?" He asked as I pulled my Cutlass and pointed it at the pirate.
"You die today." I promised.
"Good luck." He said. I swung my sword downward and started to fight him. But before I knew it I was hit from behind making my world go black.
I woke up my head feeling split. I hold it and look up seeing Ozpin. "Reconsidered yet?"
"If you can help me with taking those men down and getting the black pearl back for Captain Jack then yes I'll join your academy." I growled as I heard a man yell 'THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!' I look over and could have sworn that was Bootstrap. I shake my head and get pulled up. "But first let me tell him." Ozpin nodded and led me back to the prison only to find that he wasn't there. "Nevermind. Let's just go and I'd appreciate if I can just wear this to class instead of uniforms if that's alright." Ozpin nodded and I smirked.

The son of a Sparrow
FanfictionDon't you dare fucking judge me about this. He's awesome and the main character is going to be his son. So fight me about it and I do not own this awesome character portrayal done by Johnny Depp.