Chapter 22

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(Aleks P.O.V week later)

I continued to wandered into the woods, tired and weak. I fell to my knees as dizziness consumed me and seen many groaning figures stumble towards me and I tried to get away. One fell on top of me and clawed at my face. Right when the walker was about to bite into my neck it was tackled to the ground by a blurry figure. They killed the walker and another person came and killed the rest. I passed out as one of them picked me up and ran...


I woke up on the ground with two people surrounding me.

"" I could barely make out the words.

"Shoot... bit..." The mumbles of words started to hurt and I groaned in pain. My vision and hearing slowly came back to me.

"Hey" holy shit, his voice was amazing.

"Um, hello" I whispered and sat up.

"Your bit" he stated the obvious.

"Yeah, your point is?" damn I have a headache.

"What's your name?" he asked, ignoring my rudeness.


"I'm Kevin, this is Steven" the black haired man said.

"Nice to meet you, thanks for saving my ass back there" I tried to stand up but Kevin pushed me down and held his gun up.

"Your bit. How can we trust you?" Steven asked.

"I'm not a bad guy" I growled.

"Respect a man with a gun" Kevin growled back. I've had enough of their shit. I quickly kicked Kevin's legs, making him fall face first into the dirt. I grabbed the gun and stood up.

"The hell!" Kevin yelled and I pointed the gun to his temple.

"Respect a man with a gun, a stupid man once said" I grinned and threw the pistol behind a tree. "Calm your tits. If I wanted to kill you I would've already" I said and helped him up.

"I guess we can take you in but we will have to keep close eye on your bite and condition for a while. I don't want anyone hurt" Kevin said. I heard a crackling noise from my back pocket and I jumped. I pulled out the walkie talkie and listened.

"Aleks....I need you....come back" I heard bits of sentences. No doubt that was Eddie.

"What the hell was that?" Kevin asked and took the radio, adjusting the antenna.

"Give that back!" I said and reached for it. He held it out of my reach and began to talk into it.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"Aleks, is it you?" Eddie came through clearly this time.

"No but he is here. Who are you and where are you?" Steven said.

"Im Eddie, please I just want my boyfriend back," Eddie pleaded and I felt my heart break in two. He sounds so broken. I felt guilt and heartbreak rise in me and I shakes my head, clearing my thoughts.

"Where are you and how many are in your group?" Kevin said.

"We are at the highway, about 6 miles from NewPort. There's 5 not including Aleks. Don't try to take us, we have heavy weapons" Eddie warned. He's a good lier.

"Is all that true?" Kevin asked. I nodded and took the radio back.

"Eddie?" I asked.

"Aleks! Are you ok? Please come back, we won't leave without you" Eddie asked and I could tell he was about to break.

"I'm fine but I won't come back. My friends, Steven and Kevin, will take you and the guys here." I said and gave them a look.

"We actually have a base with more people. Its like a refugee camp. Theres old, sick, and children" Steven said. My eyes lit up with happiness and I smiled brightly.

"Can you take me! Please" I said like a little kid. I haven't seen happiness in a while. They chuckled and started walking.

"Eddie, we will come get you once we drop Aleks off. I have black hair thats straight and Steven has brown so don't shoot" Kevin said and shoved the radio back in his pocket.

"Your gonna like it here and don't let anyone see that bite" steven warned. I nodded and pulled down my sleeve more. I really hope I like it here and I can't wait to see Eddie. I began to stumble more as my vision went blurry again. I began to fall but Kevin managed to catch me. He picked me up bridal style and I seen jealousy in Stevens eyes.

"Please put me down" I whispered embarrassed.

"I don't want you passing out and getting a concussion from hitting the ground to hard, so, no" Kevin said and continued to walk. I sighed and gave up. I slowly began to fall asleep and cuddle into Kevins shirt which I pretended was Eddie....

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