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Shooting forward her hair looking like a bird nest she squeeks shaking her head looking at the clock she growled, she was going to be late again "great" she snapped throwing the sheets to the side as she ran to her bathroom going through her morning routine she turned the shower to hot as she quickly showered she wrapped the towel around her wishing she could enjoy the feel of the plushy softness as she brushed her teeth she ran into her closet throwing on her baggy jumper and sweats.

"good as im going to get" she rolled her eyes as she slid her glasses onto her nose she piled her hair on top of her head making it look presentable she grabbed her bag running down the stairs the smell of pancakes hit her in the face she giggled softly "hey daddy" she kissed his cheek hearing his 'Hmph' she grinned "im late i have to run i dont want to get fired" she grabbed a slice of toat scurrying to the door

"when are you not late Ray and say hello to your grandfather for me " he chckled and yelled after her as she let the door slam behind her.

"your late Ray again" Dwayne shook his head frownig his brow furrowed

"i know and im sorry its having trouble getting to sleep" she shook her head slowly her eyes showed her lack of sleep the bags under her eyes barely hidden beneith her concealer and make up.

"sweetheart you know you should go see the pack doctor" she smiled at his tone always the caring grandparent the only peice of her mother that was left, his brown eyes glinted showing the worry they held

"i will be ok i promise its" she shook her head as she pulled on her apron as she listened too him leave he knowing she wouldnt even speak about her mother. It just hurt too much.

"welcome to the dark rose cafe how may i help you" she spoke softly as she looked down at the table

"oh look its the weak link in our pack" she winced internally ignoring the stab as her heart as she listened to Lana the slut of the pack trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall.

"what can i get you" she spoke ignoring the comments not wanting to cause a scene writing down he order she walked to the back placing it on the counter she faked a smile for her grandfather as he cooked she lent against the counter biting her lip "i think i might leave town ....i dont know how much more i can take of this " she whispered not meeting his eyes not wanting to see how hurt he was.

"Become a Ray you cant....your signing your death warrent if you do that.....please dont do that" hearing thewaver in his voice ray looked at him as the tear rolled over her cheek

"im nothing to this pack.....i havent even got my wof" she whispered the last part a little too low no one knew not even her father as she slid down the wall sitting on the floor she heard the intake of breath her grandfather had taken and he was knelt in front of her his arms enveloped her his scent making her calm.

"Ray please dont your all i have left in this god forsaken town.....and your wolf....we will talk about that later" he tapped his ears knowing the pack members would hear she nodded as she stood looking at the clock

"im going to take a break...ok?" his simple nod made her walk out the back entrance as she shook her head, she was leaving and she was leaving soon.


Sitting her head laid against the back of the booth the last costomer had just left she could hear her grandfather pottering around in the back cleaning up he had told her not to leave until he had finished so she had gracefully accepted his request, she really couldnt let him down as it would be the last she saw of him. staring at the table she frowned concentratng on the marks and scratches her hand let the the clip release her hair so it fell down her back and over her shoulders in soft curls she heard him clear his throat "Alpha" she nodded her head in a bow showing respect she ground her teeth "here to se my grampa are you" she looked up at him he really was rather tall.

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