Chapter 1

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(Demi's POV) 

"Demi, I can't do this anymore." Wilmer said as tears were pouring down my face. 

"Why? I thought you loved me." I say, my words shaky. 

"Demi... I need commitment. I need to know that someone is always there, and yes, I know how your life is, but it's just too hectic for me. I'm ready to settle down." He said. 

"I'm at the height of my career, Wilmer! I can't settle down!" I yell as anger boils over me. 

"I'm not asking you to, Demi. We want two different things. I'm sorry, Demi, but we're over." He says walking out the door. 

"So, that's it? You're just going to give up on everything?" I yell as he turns around in the doorway. 

"I'm sorry." is all he said, walking out the door, out of my life, leaving me crying in a ball on the floor.

(Naya's POV)

I walk into the set ready to do my scenes with Demi. I get done with hair, make-up, and wardrobe; then, walk out onto the actual set. Everyone is ready to roll, but Demi is not here. Ryan walks in looking furious; like steam was coming off of his head. 

"WHERE THE HELL IS DEMI?" Ryan screams, throwing down his clip board, "NAYA!" he calls me over to him. 

"Yes, sir?" I ask, staying calm. 

"Get a hold of Demi and get her down here." he says in a much calmer voice. I just nod. "All right guys, I'll let you all know when to be back, so stay close! Lea, let's start on your scene." he yells through the set. 

I get to my trailer, and pick up my phone to call Demi. The phone rings, rings and rings, and I get her voice-mail the three times I have tried already. I leave a voice-mail saying that she is needed on ste ASAP, and I send her tons of texts. 

"Naya, have you heard from Demi yet?" Ryan asks, coming into my trailer. 

"No, I haven't. I've left her tons of messages and she hasn't replied." I said. 

"Damnit. I guess we'll reschedule when we hear from her, but I need  you to find out what's wrong." he orders. 

"Yes, sir." I say. He walks out of my trailer, and I change into sweats. I walk out to the parking lot, get in my car, and start to drive to Demi's house. 

I get to Demi's house, and pull into the driveway. There is a huge gate with some type of box that looks like the ones at drive-thru places. I push a button and wait for someone to answer. 

"Hello?" I hear an Australian accent speak, which I assume is her bodyguard. 

"Uh, yeah. I'm Naya Rivera. I work with Demi on "Glee". Um, I'm here to see her. She didn't show up on set today." I say clearly into the box thingy. 

"Okay, just one secon." the box said. I hear a buzzing sound and he gate opened. I drive through to a gigantic house. I get out of my car and go to the gigantic door that opens the gigantic house. The door opens and Demi is standing there in sweats and tear-stained eyes. 

"Demi," I say giving her a comforting hug. She just stood there like a stone. "What happened?" I ask, hoping she'll tell me. 

"Please, come inside." she says with kind of an aggrivated voice. 

We go into her living room and sit down on her couch. We sit in silence for a few seconds, neither of us knowing what to say.

"So, why are you here?" she asks without emotion. 

"You missed work today, and no one knew why; so Ryan wanted me to come check on you." I say. 

She scoffs at first then speaks up, "So, Ryan sent you." 

"Demi, we were all worried because we didn't know anything. Why are you being like this? Demi, we all care about you; I care about you. Just, please tell me what's wrong." I say. 

"I got broken up with. Wilmer left me. Okay? Now you know why I wasn't at work. So go tell Ryan that." she says angrily. 

"Demi, I know how you feel. I just got out of my engagement. I'm not going to tell Ryan unless you want me to, okay?" I say. I can see her about to cry, so I scoot closer to her, and wrap her up in my arms. We sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry about you and Sean." Demi says. 

"Shh. It's okay. I'm sorry about you and Wilmer," I say, "What happened if you don't mind me asking." I say trying to comfort her. 

"Everything was fine. I don't know what happened. He said he couldn't do it anymore. Said he needed commitment, and that he wanted to settle down." she says about to cry again. I rub circle patterns on her back to calm her down. 

"What happened with you and Sean? If you don't mind me asking." she says mimicking me from earlier. 

"We had problems for a while. We tried to work them out, but things just didn't work." I say not trying to be specific. 

"I saw your tweet, and heard you were controlling. Are you?" she asks. I don't mind that she is asking these personal things because I know that she is just trying to keep her mind off her situation. 

"Of coarse not! And yeah, he did cheat." I say. 

"I'm sorry." Demi says. 

"Don't be sorry. It just sucks , you know? Already having your wedding dress in your closet ready to wear it in a month, and then you find out the person you think your in love with cheats." I confess. 

" I really am sorry, Naya." Demi says looking into my eyes. I feel like for the first time I am seeing those beautiful brown eyes, and I get butterfles in the pit of my stomach. Everything is silent for a second as we just stare into each other's eyes. Suddenly, she leans into me, and switches her gaze from my eyes to my eyes. I know what she is about to do next, but I don't care because for some reason I want this. She finally presses her lips to mine, and I feel like fireworks went off through my body, and everything seems like it should be. 

Stay With Me (Demi Lovato and Naya Rivera)Where stories live. Discover now