Over work

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I am sitting at the lunch table with amber, keadan, and shantel again. Sienna isn't here today. The poor girl worked out too much and now she is sick. I just don't understand why things like this happen all the time! I sigh and get up to dump my tray. I have my phone in my back pocket. I'm gonna go into the bathroom and call her. I walk back from dumping m tray and look at Amber. 

"Bathroom. You commin?"

She gets up and follows me. Shantel right behind her too. She was upset about something. We just didn'tknow what. It seemed like everyone was depressed or sad for some reason today. My reason is because my best friend Chika just died last night from a gunshot wound. We met last year at the pool. I havn't seen her in person sense. She lives in Michigan so I didn't ever see her. But we did keep in touch through snapchat for over a year straight. It was hard on me. But her mother told me that she died peacefully, with her friends and family at her side. So I guess I couldn't have asked for anything better. I just wish I was there. Anyway, my phone was already dialing Sienna's number before I opened the door. It rang a few times and then she picked up. 


"Sienna, how ya feelin girl?"

"Sick, you?"

"Eh, worried about you. So is your boyfriend."

I talked to her for a few minutes and eventually said goodbye. Then me and Amber turned our attention onto Shantel. 

"Okay what is wrong?"

She just shakes her head and her eyes fill with tears. She was holding them back. Amber knew wht to do to make her let it all out. She hugged her. Immediately, the tears flow and she squeezes her back. I look her in the eyes. 

"Tell us what is goin on."

She pulls away from Amber and speaks. 

"Some people from my old school have been saying some really evil shit about me. I take a deep breath and respond.

"That happened to me to. You just gotta ignore them and let it go over your head. Their opinions don't matter. Jut yours, your real friends, and your familys."

She takes a deep breath and nods. We walk out of the bathroom and realize that everyone was already dismissed. We dispart and head to our seperate classes. Jesus why does life always have to be all over the place. I just don't understand it anymore. 

Teenage GalaxiesWhere stories live. Discover now