Chapter 1

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Urg, i hate waking up in the morning. To top that off, it's September and guess what? Today is the bloody first day of school. The stupid government should just shut down the school, I mean, well, it's Canada, at least it's better than China. All those years I went to school in China is finally a history. Seriously, that part of my story is just as cruel as the Crusades. Anyway, being a Chinese is not that bad, at least when someone mention the word "Asian" it always means smart. and Chinese are even better: reason 101 why Chinese are amazing, Japanese writes "Japan" in Chinese. No offense my friends, just a fact. Wait a sec. What time is it? My heart jumped out of me as i took a look at my Motorola phone (yes, i dont use Samsung or iPhone). Shit, it's 7:45am. I don't know if it's an Asian problem or not but my brain suddenly calculates automatically: if I run to the bathroom right now I can get out of there by 7:50am and my bag is already packed cuz my mom loves me. I remembered there were 2 boxes of cookies on the dinner table so i can take a few before 7:55am and I gonna wear my favorite black t-shirt that i wore yesterday with ripped-up jeans that my friend gave it to me at one of my birthday and last brush my hair. No, wait, i have nice straight black hair. Skip that part. Where was I? Yes, THAT pair of shoes. Then run out of the house, lock my door, turn this way then that way, blah blah blah, I'm going to be at school by 8:10am. Then I look at the clock again, damn, it's 8 o'clock. School starts at 8:40am..... Actually, I'm not going to be late on the bloody first day if I use the plan that I calculated in my brain. Thanks mom for giving me the Asian power.

Hi, my name is Hady Davis.

Yes, you read that right. Hady, H-a-d-y. Like the underworld god in Greek mythology, Hades. My parents were obsessed with Greek mythology their whole life, I'm pretty glad that they didn't name me Aphrodite or Athena, cuz that is just eww. But the thing is, to be honest, I think I have a cool-ass mom and a cool-ass dad and I'm sure they will never do that to me. Before I introduce you my parents, I just want to say, if I mention something weird, don't ask for clarity.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

thank you guys so much for reading the first chapter, i know its short and a lots of grammar mistakes and im sorry if it bothers you i will try my best on the next chapter and i need names for the other characters if you would like to give me some ideas go ahead and comment down somewhere thanks】

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