How to become Rich

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Baekhyun's POV

Rose explained to us her story and we told her ours.  Apparently, Rose just ran away from home and then pretended to be the person who kidnapped her. She called her family and asked for $7000, pretending the role of a kidnapper who will give Rose back if she gets the money. I didn't get why she wanted to cheat her family like that but she wouldn't tell us.

"So, since you guys just drove off with my car, you ruined my plan on getting the money from the driver who was supposed to come after me." she continued after her backstory, "Now here's what you guys can do in order to make up for that. Both of you need to pretend to be my kidnappers and get the money from my family. Since you guys are also desperate for money, we can increase the offer to $30,000. In the end, we each get our equal share of the money and can part ways."

$10,000!!!! Dang my family could really use that money! It would pay off our debt and be enough to afford food, water, and clothes for a while. (A/N- I know it may not be like this for everyone today but just pretend)

I looked at Suho but then my smile faded when his expression looked dull.

"She just says it as if its no big deal! First of all we can get arrested by the cops for stealing money this way. And not to even mention the penality if they find out we're also kidnappers," Suho reasoned.

"Hey yeah that's right! I am not even willing to go back to jail again!" I immediatly nodded my head at what Suho said.

"You realize the cops will believe what I say since I'm the one who got 'kidnapped'. So I will tell the cops you guys had nothing to do with the case and are not the ones who kidnapped me. I promise I won't get you guys in any trouble like that, unless you don't follow the plan." she said.

Suho still didn't look convinced though. I was also unsure about this idea, but then I could really use the money......

"You guys were originally off to kill yourselves but managed to survive. Now you guys are also broke and lost in a desert. Who else is gonna offer you a better offer?" Rose said. Me and Suho went off a little away from her to discuss.

"Suho, that girl actually has a point! Just imagine how great our lives will be after we get the cash. Can I tell her yes?" I asked him.

"Are you really that foolish?! What if something in this absurd plan goes wrong? Then we'll have our heads cut of in prison. You're really not afraid of the consequences?" Suho angrilly asked me.

"Look the cops will only believe what she says so she'll back us up. All we need to do is act all tough and threaten her parents. Its all just for pretend!" I reasoned against him. I was desparate for money and this is my only chance.

"Well yeah but when she tells us to kidnap and stuff..." Suho trailed off until I interupted him.

"ITS ALL FAKE! We're just acting, its not like we're actaully kidnapping and doing things with her.  It will all be fine in the end, I'm pretty sure. I'm gonna tell her we're in, okay?" I asked him. Suho remained silent so I just took it as a yes.

"YO Rosé! Count us in on the plan! we'r in!" I said happily to her. She smiled but then frowned an pointed at Suho. I looked back too and saw him just walking away from the car and us.

Ugghh oh my god this guy is irritating! I ran back to him and grabbed his arm.

"Ew stay away from me! You two can break as many laws as you like, I'm not part of anything. I am an honest person who never cheats anyone. Unlike you, whose just a street rat!" he shouted at me and walked away.

Street Rat?? Ouch that actually kind of hurts. Though I was very offended and mad at him, I still ran backup to him.

"What are you gonna do? You think your just gonna find a way back without us and the car. Even if you do find a way back to a city and get back home, I bet you've already been fired from your job for not even showing up!" I told him. Suho looked at me and tried to act like he still wasn't buying it. 

"Look Suho this is our life problem! This is the only way we've got. In fact let me tell you from experience, there are only two things you get from being honest: poverty and dishonor. I have gotten nothing from being honest so eventually I ended up stealing and cheating. Out of that at least I've gained a little, its better than nothing." I told him trying to convince him.

"My situation is different! I've gotten a good job, good payment, and good treatment after being honest all the time. You just don't know how to be successful!" Suho told me.

"Well you've lost everything now! You're far from your home and job, meaning you have no money at the moment. And in fact, that girl you talked about  just used you and ditched you! You call that 'good treatment'" I fired back. 

I looked at him pleadingly. I know he knows this is the only way, but he's so stubborn! After a few minutes of silence he finally spoke.

"Fine. I'm in, now just get me out of this desert!" he finally agreed.

"YES!" I shouted happily and dragged him back to where Rose was waiting.

"We're in!" I told her and she smiled. 

"I knew you guys were smart! Come on, LETS GO!" she said happily too. All of us then got in the car and drove off in the direction to where we guessed would lead to a city.

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