Three Sheets To The Wind

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My face slapped the floor and I groaned loudly.

As wake ups went... that was not my favourite. The ship rocked in the other direction now as if we were being thrown about for the fun of it. I would not put it past the drunk that we called a captain however.

I slowly got to my knees before bracing a hand against the plushly covered bed. Despite being on a smelly, creaking and all around questionable vessel, they had fine taste in furniture. I had to wonder if the crew were treated to similar luxuries.

My eyes gazed around the small cabin that was my own for the next nine spans. Ornate chests for clothing and accessories, oil paintings crowding the walls, thick well coloured rugs from various regions, even a few short bookcases stood in the corner. I wondered closer to one and plucked the fallen books from the floor. The poor things would likely take a larger beating this trip if we didn't sober up our own captain. 

The ship rocked violently again as I was fitting in the last book and I stumbled backwards.

That is it. I am having words.

I stormed over to the wash basin and hastily made use of the little bar of soap and cloth. Once I felt an inch more human, I pulled open a chest and raided a loose cotton shirt that dipped in a V and loosely fitting brown trousers. They truly did not like fitted garments at sea apparently. Instead of letting them hang around my ankles I tucked them into my leather riding boots.

It will do.

I glanced at a mounted silver shield and saw my eyes reflect back as a normal, human green. Despite everything, I was disappointed. I half expected to see them gleam back as silver as the shield. The other sane half reminded me that I could still enjoy my days with John and Kaden in  a realm that made sense.

I shook the thoughts away and made my way out the door and onto the main the deck.

Circling gulls cawed and screeched above, and beyond the sun was beginning its rise to power. I heard the captain before I saw him. It was off key and it was obnoxious. I growled under my breath as I made my way across the deck to the captain's wheel on top deck.

But before I could climb the stairs a sailor with thick arms and a torn shirt at both sleeves stopped me.

"Nay a well idea lassy. He's three sheets to the wind n' then some." The sailor told me in a deep husky voice.

But what he told me, made no sense on this realm. I smiled politely anyway and nodded as if I knew exactly what in Valhalla was going on.

"Lovely. Thank you."

I tried to move around the hulking man—that could almost challenge Kaden for size—but he slung an arm outwards to block my path.

"Ya' ears clogged with sea water? Captain' ain't in shape for talk."

Ohhh. That makes more sense.

"Look. Mr..." I trailed off, unsure of how to address this shaven headed giant.

"Nox" He grinned back at me.

He was reminding me more and more of Kaden as he went. Hopefully his desire to start fights was not as similar.

"Nox—" I smiled with false warmth. "—I just need to have a word with the captain even if he has consumed more liquid than the sea life below us. Do you think I could have just a slither?"

He looked at me blankly. His jaw even naturally hung open slightly and I had to resist the urge to smirk. Could you at least pretend to own a piece of a brain for one moment...

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