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"AYE! We make anchor!"

"There will be no, AYE we make anchor!" John sneered back at the Captain.

I sighed as I leant on the wooden railing listening to the drama unfold.

"Hah! I amire' ya balls boy but there be no discussion heres." The captain said back cooly as he readjusted his maroon feathered hat.

John growled before him no doubt seeing red. I honestly didn't have it in me to stop him. The day had been terribly dull thus far. Last night however... my body flashed hot at the mere thought.

"You do not deviate from the route! We have paid you a kings salary to deliver us to Zanos as swiftly as—"

"Boy I've been patient with ye if ya dun' snap that trap I will av Nox shut it for ye." He muttered in John's direction as he steered the ship towards a growing land mass on the horizon.

John scoffed and looked over to the captain's second hand. Nox waggled his eyebrows tauntingly and John shot him a glare of death. Kaden came up beside me with a grunt.

"Not like you to let him go this far..." He noted.

I shrugged and turned to him with a smirk. "There is nothing else going on."

Kaden chuckled and then leant his back against the wooden rail overlooking the sea beyond.

"I would bet good coin this deviation in our route has something to do with certain product on our ship." He said carefully.

I kept my eyes on the churning waves below that had turned a beautiful sapphire colour since this morning. The weather had also changed noticeably as we escaped the clutches of the cold north. It was beginning to get hot.

"I would have to agree with you. But I will have to disagree with your curiosity."

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"We do not involve ourselves with the weapons dealers, yes?"

He snorted and shook his head. "I am in no mood for a brawl in this heat." He agreed and shrugged his mammoth shoulders that had the sleeves torn off entirely at the top.

I nodded nonchalantly.

"That being said... there are certain products that I think we could relieve our sailing companions of without too much suspicion."

Kaden couldn't have snapped his head over to me faster. "You surely do not mean—"

I returned his look with a dark one. "Oh, I do Kaden. That crossbow beyond that cage was made for these hands and I think I saw a longsword in there longer than my own height."

His eyes widened before his whole face became a sight for longing. I chuckled.

"Patience. This detour to the land will only provide the distraction we need to take what we want."

"So much for leaving the weapons dealers be." Kaden grinned.

"Who did you take me for?" I snorted. "A good person?"

"Truly my mistake." He agreed, shoving me lightly for once.

"Look at you, moving someone without causing the very earth to tilt." I uttered dryly.

He rolled his grey eyes to the sails above.

"Watching you sticks break beneath my touch has lost its novelty."

"And a witty retort! Gods we must get you out of this sun before you start gathering intelligent thought—"

The next shove sent me crashing onto my back laughing in fits. Kaden stomped across the deck muttering the usual threats of breaking someone. By that time John was already marching his own path past Kaden and in my direction.

The Mercenary's Valkyrie: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now