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I couldn't help but sit in pure silence as Grayson drove me home, not a single clue that his T-shirt was sat in my bag.
" seriously, what the fuck is that smell? " Grayson gagged, referring to the strong perfume scent which was nearly leaking out of my bag.
It really was disgusting, but so was she.

I was completely conflicted. A small part of me wanted to throw the shirt at his face, then curl up into a ball and cry, because what if it was true? What if he couldn't handle the change, and went back to his old ways? But most of me, wanted to throw that shirt into Clarissa's face. I wanted to tell her no, he isn't like that, and that he would never, ever, go to her.
We may not be officially dating, but the feelings are as clear as day, its love. Love is what I feel for this boy, and that's exactly what he feels for me too. i know it.

" are you okay, eve? " Grayson's words pulled me from my thoughts, making my eyes snap up to his.
His hazel orbs only showed pure care and compassion as he looked at me, making my heart skip a beat.
It was then that I realised that we'd arrived at my house, and the car had came to a stop.
" i'm fine, don't worry about it. i should get going, though- " I rambled, about to open the door until i felt Grayson's hand land on my leg, making me freeze.

I turned towards the boy, his eyes a little more intense and his body completely facing me, as his nostrils flared slightly in annoyance.
" you're not leaving this damn car until you tell me what's wrong, evelyn "
His words made me gulp, and i felt my whole body go numb. I didn't want to say it. I didn't want him to think that I thought of him that way, because I most definitely did not.
" i've just been- uh.. doubting myself, i guess " i began, looking down at my hands, while Grayson's intense gaze remained on me.
" why? " He was quick to ask, his voice a little calmer now.

It fell silent in the car, and I didn't know how to break the tension. All I could think to do was reach down for my bag, and place his perfume stinking shirt into his hands, so that's exactly what I did.
Grayson's eyebrows furrowed as he unfolded it, and held it out in front of him.
" why do you have this? " He asked me, his nose twitching a little at the smell that was getting stronger, before he brought it up to his nose to sniff it " and why does it smell like... a really cheap, gross perfume? "

I looked out ahead of me at my home, wishing that i could just leave the car right now, to avoid the confrontation. I was never bad when it came to confronting people, but when it was someone as innocent and sweet as Grayson, I just couldn't do it.
" uh.. clarissa gave me it. there's a rumour going around that you and her were together last night... and as ethan told me, i could probably guess what happened " i announced nervously, mimicking his brother's words at the end of my sentence.

The look on Grayson's face completely changed from being disgusted, to shocked and confused within seconds, a sight that made my heart drop.
" fucking ethan, i swear to- " grayson began cursing, dropping the item of clothing into his lap, before his eyes snapped towards me.
As soon as he saw me sat in complete silence, staring at my home, he went quiet too. He just watched me, his eyes clouded with hurt as he slouched back into his car seat.
" do you seriously believe them, eve? " Grayson's voice was quiet and low, filled with pain. I didn't believe it, but before i could even tell him that, he'd punched the steering wheel in front of him out of pure anger, letting my silence get to him.
" do you really think that low of me, evelyn? i would never! " He snapped, making me jump a little in fear.
" grayson, i don't think that! i don't fucking believe it, but it gets to me, okay? it's obviously going to worry me- "
" because of my past? " Grayson cut me off, his voice not as loud and filled with annoyance, yet this time it was more understanding.
I didn't nod my head, though it was the truth.

However, when Grayson leant forward in his seat, so close to me that I could feel his hot breath fanning against my cheek, I looked up towards him.
I've seen this boy lie before, I could call him out in a heartbeat whenever he does. But this? This was one hundred percent honesty.
" i love you, eve. and i'm done acting as if i don't! i've changed for you, you made me change, and i'm not going anywhere, okay? i know it's hard to trust me, but i swear to god, i fucking love you, so much. i did not have sex with her, none of that ever happened- " he breathed out, whilst i stayed quiet, wanting to hear him out. clarissa was going to regret this.

Hearing him say the meaningful three words to me properly got my heart beating tremendously faster, and my eyes watering with each word he spoke.
" this morning my alarm didn't go off... even though i know that i fucking set it, for god's sake. and then all of my football shit disappeared, when i only ever have it in one place, my closet! i spent half an hour trying to find it in the house, and then i was late to school- " grayson rambled, stopping when I placed my hand on top of his suddenly.
Every word that he said was the truth, I knew it. Grayson would never, ever, stoop so low.
" he did all of that, evelyn, and now this! he doesn't want me to be with you " Grayson finished, his eyes foggy with tears " he just can't stand the fact that i'm finally
happy, eve "

It fell silent in the car, as i stared at the boy i was falling in love with, in disbelief. He was being one hundred percent truthful, he always had been, and I wasn't going to let one horrible girl, and one horrible guy's rumour stop me from being happy. stop us, from being happy.
" i swear to you, i didn't- " he told me once more, only for me to cut him off by pressing my lips against his own.

That instantly shut him up, as his hand snaked behind my neck, the other landing on my waist, in desperate need of feeling me close to him. The kiss was the most needy it had ever felt, and the butterflies flying throughout my body didn't go unnoticed. We were with each other, and not one person was going to stop that.
" i know, gray. i believe you "


grayson is such a cutie in this help

ethan can suck a big fat toe

and clarissa...
never mind.
she already is.

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