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I dropped my things to my bedroom floor and let out a sigh, my eyes scanning across my nearly empty room. I wanted morning more than to get into bed, and sleep the pain away, but I had to pack.

Packing was something I definitely didn't want to be doing after such an amazing night. I wanted to sit in bed, look back at all of the prom photos of Grayson and I, and our friends, but unfortunately I couldn't.

I headed for my shelves, beginning to pull down the small organisers on the top shelf, rummaging through them. There was things I hadn't seen in years, and it brought a smile to my face just looking at them.

Photos of my birthday parties, christmases, and countless family gatherings were stuck into a photo album, one in particular catching my eye. It was a picture of me, Grayson and Ethan, all of us sat on a sofa, grinning like fools. My head was resting on Ethan's shoulder, his pink cheeks clearly noticeable as he smiled widely, and Grayson sat on my other side. I blinked a little when I looked at it, my eyes lingering on Gray, who's smile grew more forced the more I looked.

The whole time, he was wishing he could be Ethan. He was wishing that it was his shoulder that my head was resting on, or his side that was squished up against my own. But in every single photo, it was the same. He was to the side, his smile a fake one as he sat next to Ethan and I.

However, when I turned the page to find a photo of just Ethan and I, I felt my stomach churn. Every single photo after that was just Ethan and me, because Grayson had given up, and left. his brother had gotten the best of him.

After all of the photos of me and the sweet boy's brother, the pages were blank. The white pieces of paper were begging to be filled in, and so I stood up, the book in hand as I made my way downstairs.

I headed into my mom's office, all of her belongings stacked into boxes, except her laptop and printer, which was placed on the desk, still plugged in. I mentally cheered when I saw that she hadn't packed it away, as I connected my phone, beginning to print off some new photos.

As soon as I'd done so, I headed back up to my room, placing the album and pictures onto my bed. I started rummaging through my draws, eventually finding a glue stick. I found a brand new, clean page in the album, sitting down on my bed as I began sticking in the photos, making sure it looked perfect.

When I did this I sat back a little, holding the photo album in my hands, as I looked at it in awe.

The pages that were once blank were now filled with photos of Grayson and I, exactly like the missing piece in my heart, which was now complete because of the amazing boy.

It was a new page, or a new beginning, made just for the two of us.
The start of the album may have been a little bumpy, and the middle may not have included him at all, but I now knew one thing for sure. He was back in it now, and he'd be in it until the end. Until the very end of this album, and until the very end of my life, he'd be by my side. i was sure of it.

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