Chapter 2: The wake up call

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               Hi, I'm Richard Fraiser, but my friends call me "Watts". Well, the used to be for they got into drugs and stuff. Now one of em's dead and the other has fourth stage cancer. But it's fine, I work better alone anyway.
               So anyway, back to my life's Hell story.

          "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" Click! I sat up in bed, panting. "Holy Hell what a fucked up dream." I say as I get out of bed and looked at the clock, realizing I was late. I grabbed my things for today and hopped into the bathroom, because I was pulling up my pants. As I started brushing my teeth I thought I saw glowing eyes in the closet, so I turned and saw nothing.
              "Huh..." I said and shrugged it off,and went back to my normal morning routine. After I was dressed I went to get my keys but noticed a yellowish goldish tuft of fur sitting by them. I picked it up and examined it before throwing it away. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door, locking it after I closed it.
            As I was walking to my car I saw a piece of oddly shaped metal and picked it up. I liked it a bit and when I poked a certain spot it twisted in my hand quickly and making a loud 'SNAP!'ing sound. I yelled and dropped it, going to my car I got in and started it as I drove to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzarea.

                                      ~TIME SKIP~

I had just pulled up in the lot of the pizzarea, I parked my car and got out. I locked my car before going inside and smiling at the children running around.

(And that dose it for this chapter! Please go read chapter one on mcrlover129, this is a collaborative book! And we do not own Fnaf! It belongs to its original owner Scott Coffen!)

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