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so i was tagged by the_ghost_doctor

and here it is

and here it is

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1. gender?
female 💁🏻‍♀️

2. Sexuality
still confuzzled but most likely pansexual ;)

3. Astrology Sign

4. OTP
Yoonseok/Sope, Victuri

5. Main Fandom
kpop (i stan several groups)

6. Fav Writing Style

7. Perfect First Date
cafe so we can bond over coffee and scones

8. Ideal Best Friend?
um i mean idk how to answer that 😅
i guess someone who's fun to be around and not too weirded out by me

9. Phone Background
derpy wonho <3

 Phone Backgroundderpy wonho <3

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10. Whiteboards or Chalkboards?
whiteboard... i can't stand chalkboards or chalk in general

11. Any OC's?
eh not really

12. Favourite Wattpad Book?
oooh that's hard... besides smut 😂 i'd have to say my favourite story based book is Bad For Me// Min Yoongi which is a Yoongi x Reader fic. Idk i just really like the storyline 🤷🏻‍♀️

13. Youtube or Netflix?
hmmm... probably youtube bc you know, kpop.

14. *i'm skipping this one*

15. Favourite Time of Year?
winter. i like the cold. heat makes me dizzy.

•and there we go, my first tag on this book- woo ^_^•

i'm not tagging people, do it if you want to 🤷🏻‍♀️

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