long time no see

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hey, so its me again, with another useless chapter about myself because i can

anyway here's a question thing

anyway here's a question thing

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1. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A neurosurgeon, then a pastry chef, then a psychologist, and lastly a dancer

2. skip

3. Do you like your name? Why?
I do not like my real name because it's very unusual which I wouldn't mind but it just sounds weird and its the name of a desert and I'm not particularly fond of deserts

4. Are you a messy or a clean person?
I'm typically pretty clean and mostly organised bc I get anxious when there's a lot of clutter in my room

5. How tall are you?

6. How tall were you when you were ten?
Eh probably like 4'11 I think

7. What is your guilty pleasure?
Depends on my mood but I really love ice cream so probably that

8. What are you saving money for right now?
Atm I'm saving up for quite a few things but I always want more makeup so 💁🏻‍♀️

9. How many Pringles can you eat at once?
Hm I mean I dont't really like potato chips or super salty things but pringles are alright so maybe like 10 if I really wanted to lol

10. Tea or Coffee?
I really like both but definitely coffee. I have a slight (*slight*) addiction 😉

11. Are you an extrovert or introvert?
Funny enough I'm actually an extrovert but in certain situations I get really anxious and tend to shut down but usually I like being around people

12. What is your halloween costume this year?
Well this past halloween me and my friends did Alice in Wonderland themed costumes and I was the Mad Hatter but I don't really know what I'm going to be this year yet

13. Sweet or Salty?
Sweet, for sure.
I have a bit of a weakness for sweets 😅

14. Favourite Social Media?
I currently don't really go on social media and I used to a lot but now its just eh 🤷🏻‍♀️
Oh but I don't like snapchat, like at all...

15. Who is the last person you kissed?
A french foreign exchange student named Lucas

16. What is your favourite breakfast?
Again, depends on my mood but probably either fluffy pancakes or a blueberry bagel with strawberry cream cheese and peanut butter.
I know, I'm weird.

17. When is your birthday?
December 10th

18. When did you start your blog/wattpad account?
I think like 2 years ago ish

19.What is your opinion on the Kardashians?
Eh I mean I don't really pay attention to pop culture that much but from what I've heard I don't really like them and they sound pretty annoying and dramatic

20. How would you describe your style?
Also depends on my mood in the morning. I tend to dress in a very cute/trendy style but you can sometimes catch me in a t-shirt and shorts. I wear a lot of colourful and floral dresses and shirts but also crop tops and ripped jeans 🤷🏻‍♀️

21. What colour is your hair?
It's naturally dark brown but it is currently like a light ash brown

22. What colour socks are you wearing?
I'm not wearing socks atm

23. What is your dream job?
A psychiatrist in a hospital

24. Dogs or Cats?
I like both but probably dogs

25. What makes you weird?
Everything lol 😂 Idk I mean I just wear what I want and do what I want and act how I want despite what people think of me so that I guess. Also I'm really into korean dramas and k-pop so that too lol. Oh and like I said earlier I don't go on social media or pay attention to pop culture or politics or anything and that makes me kinda weird too I guess

26. Celebrity Crush?
I don't really like American celebrities but my Korean Idol crush is Wonho (Lee Hoseok) from Monsta X or the actor Lee Jongsuk

27. Opinion on cigarettes?
I personally do not like them and will not be around people when they smoke or date anyone who smokes bc 1) It smells awful and ruins your teeth 2) It's just pretty stupid I mean you only get one set of lungs 3) They're expensive and that's a lot of money to waste on slowly killing yourself.
But hey I mean do what you want with your life, I actually used to smoke so like I'll still be friends with people who smoke as long as they don't smoke around me

28. Do you want children/how many?
Yes, and two who are not too far apart in age so they can play with each other

29. 3 Favourite boy names?
Viktor, Ezra, Zazu

30. 3 Favourite girl names?
Rose, Yuri, Indigo

not tagging people, do it if you want and tag me if you want me to read it

also ik i've been very inactive but school has started again and i'm involved in a lot of stuff besides my usual classes so sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️

I would say that I'll be more active but I can't guarantee that so we'll see

later ✌🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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