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"Come along kids the game awaits!" Mr Diggory said walking into our tent. Cedric came in and walked over to me.
"Hello Cedric" I said smiling
"Hello Emma! I see your all dressed up!" He said smiling. I remembered that I had face paint on me.
"Thanks" I said. It was nice that Cedric didn't mind my weirdness.
"Come on Emma" the twins yelled in unison making Cedric jump.
"You guys still haven't scared me yet! And to think you used to be the pranking King's..." I said smirking
"All hail all mighty Emma Lupin" the twins said pretending to bow. I laughed at them and rolled my eyes.
"Come on!" Ron yelled annoyed
"You ready to go see your boyfriend?" I mocked.
"W-what are y-you talking about?" Ron studded. The twins burst out laughing.
"Come on Ron I was only joking" I said
"Fine, Fine lets just go" Ron said walking out of the tent.
"Come on let's go" I said walking out of the tent. The boys soon followed.
"Ireland!" The twins yelled in unison
"IRELAND!" I yelled running to catch up with the others. The twins following my lead. I caught up to Ginny and Hermione.
"Hello Girlies" I said putting my arms around their shoulders
"Hello Emma" They said in unison
"Emma..." Ginny said nudging my side. She was pointing at something... or someone? I looked over to see Harry staring at me. I could feel a slight blush come up on my cheeks. I was never the one for people to be staring at and it felt awkward. Ginny and Hermione giggled and I laughed.
"Emma are you 100% sure your not drunk" Hermione asked crossing her arms
"I'm 100% sure I am" I said smiling. We all burst out laughing. Then we got to the stadium.
"AND EVER!" the twins yelled from behind me. We walked up the stairs, we must have walked up hundreds of stairs. We were really high and it was amazing.
"Hey dad? How far up are we?" Ron asked excitedly
"Well let's just say, if it rains you'll be the first to know" Mr Malfoy said
"Shit" I mumbled under my breath
"Father and I are in the ministers box, invited by Cornelius Fudge himself" Draco said
"Don't boast Draco, besides these people aren't worth our time" Mr Malfoy cut off Draco.
"Hey Lupin" Draco said winking
"Ugh! It's never gonna happen you jackass bitch" i said annoyed. Draco look shocked but intrigued. Oh brother. The twins were trying to hold back laughter.
"Come on let's go" Harry said turning around to walk away but was stopped by Mr Malfoy.
"Enjoy it... while you still can" he said then walked off with his blasted of a son. Fred and George cracked up.
"What are you laughing at... I think I'm going to die from disgust" I said fake falling into Hermione's arms. Everyone laughed then.
"Come on the games about to start" mr Weasley said trying to hold back a laugh. Failing to do so. We could continued up the stairs. Till we got to the very top.
"Told you these seats would be worth the climb!" Mr Weasley yelled over the crowd. Then green flew by me almost hitting me.
"It's the IRESH!!!" Fred and George yelled. They made a gigantic leprechaun appear that was made out of regular leprechauns. It started dancing which was amazing. Then red burst though it.
"The BULGARIANS!!!" The twins yelled
"Who's that" Ginny asked me
"That Ginny is the greatest seeker in the world" I yelled over the crowd. The match began.

Time skip———————————————

The game had ended and Ireland won but Krum caught the snitch. We got to the bottom of the stairs.
"Ehemm" I cleared my throat and put my hand out to the twins. They handed me the gallons.
"Thank you" I said
"Shut up" they said. I laughed at them.
"Hey you never bet with Emma, she always wins" Ron said
"Yeah she always beats us" the twins said embarrassed. We got back to the tent and said good bye to Cedric. Me, Fred and George were dancing around like drunk people it was funny.
"Krum should have won!" Ron said stepping onto a couch
"Krum! Krum! Krum! Krum! Krum!" The twins said in unison acting like birds. Everyone started laughing.
"He's not just an athlete... he's an artist" Ron said
"I think your in love Ron" I said laughing
"Shut up" Ron said throwing a pillow at me. Which I easily ducked.
There was a loud sound from outside.
"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on" Fred said getting ready to party more.
"Stop! Stop! It's not the Irish! We need tot get out of here! Now!" Mr Weasley yelled. We all ran out of the tent.
"Everyone stick together and get to the port key." Mr Weasley order us all. And we obeyed. We were running though the crowds of people running around like crazy. I felt alone, I looked around to see that my friends were no where to be seen.
"Guys! Guys!" I yelled running through the crowd to try and find them. Then everything went black...

A/n ok so I'm way to mean to leave you with that cliff hanger and I hope that this made up for all the time I wasn't updating
PLZ comment, vote, something to let me know people are reading this story!!!

A/n ok so I'm way to mean to leave you with that cliff hanger and I hope that this made up for all the time I wasn't updating PLZ comment, vote, something to let me know people are reading this story!!!

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