Chapter 2: True Integrity Behind The Mirror.

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The whole day I have learned what words can really do to a person. People are saying mean things every day, yet people don't even realize how much those words can truly hurt a person. Day starts off fine. For me at least. But other people, i'm not so sure. People say mean things for attention, or for self adore. They say those things to make them selves feel good. They say it to try to fit in with this mad world. It all started with one person. That one very person. They might not even realize what horror they have unlocked.

      Today, one of my best friends was hurt by my other friends unkind words. He was crying, and I was trying to help the best I could, but I am still not the best at talking to people. I believe that the people who made him cry should no longer be my friends anymore. There's one thing he told me that really stuck with me. He said that, there is no end, and no one can stop this.

Although that is true, I believe now, I should do everything in my power to help. I know exactly how it feels. These people that are hurting others are driving people to the edge of suicide, and that is not an option. These people have to stop. They have to stop ruining others lives. It hurts people more than anyone could imagine. But no, they just say it anyways, and it shouldn't have even came out of their mouth. Those vile words. That dreadful way it comes out. The way people here it. Some people take it more literally than others, and that's not a bad thing.

      People are also saying that snitching is bad. Its not bad if its the truth. You don't want to take the blame for someone else's doing. That also wouldn't be the right thing to do. People use that disrespectful word, "Snitch" just to hurt people even more. That word makes people feel like they are the bad ones. That they are the victims of something horrendous. But in reality, its the ones who call you a snitch, or say you are snitching.

      Those are the kind of people everyone has to hang out with too, mostly because there is no one else that actually see's what is happening here. People who hang out with people like them also turn into them. This is what causes everyone to become a bully. It all starts with one man. One person.

   I learned to bite the bullet. This school is a living hell. Almost everyone in this school are bullies. Its like an infection. Spreading to every person until everyone is affected. Everyone is taken over. There has to be some kind of cure. There has to be a way to put this to an end. But, all I am able to do is write out my feelings. If there is a school paper, maybe in high school, I could be the one to write my stories in the paper.


      I have said terrible things myself too. I wish I didn't. It really effects a person. It effects me. But now, I have to take a stand. If no one else will. At least, I will try. I am hurtled up in space right now. I don't know where I stand. School is ending soon, and I don't really know how I am taking it. One of my teachers, has a very bad knee condition, and she wont be seeing us for the rest of the year. She cried when she told us. Everyone almost cried too. She is a really nice teacher, and I bet for all of her classes, and everyone who now knows she is leaving, they will be heart broken to see her go.

High school. It will be different. When I think of school, I think of a jail cell. Like we are all being caged up. How none of us can go until we have the ability to. In high school, I believe we will have more rights. At least I hope so. Exemption is coming for us all. We just have to be ready for it.

My mom told me that most people in high school keep things to themselves. If that were true, then those awful, dreadful, and unkind words, will nevermore be said. I hope my mom is right. That would change not only my life, but the lives of many other people too.

People nowadays just thinks of drugs, and fighting, and heartbreaks, but I expect otherwise from me. I don't care about that stuff. I do care about heartbreak though. It comes, and goes in waves. It always does. You just watch ones heart fade. When your heart could possibly be crushed like yours. I conclude that heartbreaks don't just come from love, but they come from hate too. They come from bullies. People who are out of this world, and are completely, and utterly crazy.

I learned something today. At lunch, old friends talked to me. They said things that really made me think. I hurt them. As bad as other people hurt my friend. This crap goes everywhere. I un-blocked them and apologized. That is the kind of person I am now. I am not like those bullies that affect everyone's lives with there sacrilegious words.


It goes in circles. The bullying, too niceness, too bullying again. It never ends. I was once bullied and cried on the car ride home, and I wont be ashamed to admit that, that very moment was not that long ago. Love goes in circles too. It never ends. Even if some people could be vary rude, the other person could still be attracted to them. They could see their true integrity behind the mirror.

There's a lot going on in my life. I just hope things get better. I hope people do change. I hope high school is a lot better. I hope I will be ready for what is going to happen next in.....HooverDale.

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