Girls vs. Boys (35) - The Start

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January 20th, 2011

“We’re seniors in high school and yet we’re still walking to school,” Lexi sighed flatly as my thee best friends and I made our way to school that morning. “I feel pathetic.”

“It’s fine,” AJ shrugged, not bothered by it at all. “We all need the exercise anyway. It’s good for us.”

Chelsea made a face. “Speak for yourself.”

AJ shrugged. “Okay. I actually find this kind of fun.”

I snorted. “She’s definitely speaking for herself.”

AJ made a face at me. "You're going to get fat one day, Jordan. What would you do if you were being chased by someone? You'd never be able to make it."

I glared right back at her. "I'd give up. They'd probably be faster than me anyway."

"Everyone's faster than you," Lexi muttered, and I glared at her instead now. "What? It's true."

"No, I'm faster than Aimee," I shrugged without even thinking about what the girls around me would think. AJ immediately saddened, and Lexi went silent. Aimee was definitely the last thing I should have ever brought up.

Before any of the girls could say anything, another voice called out, “Hey! Look who it is!”

At first, I expected the worst. It was Jesse or Aimee there to harass us. But luckily, when we turned around, I saw that it was actually Emily and Yolanda instead.

It was Emily who had shouted at us, obviously, since Yolanda was way too shy and timid to do something like that.

“I thought that we were the only two seniors that walked to school,” Emily laughed as they came toward us, Yolanda only nodding in agreement. “It makes us feel a little better that we’re not complete losers!”

For some reason, that didn’t feel like a compliment, even though Emily meant it that way. But it wasn’t like I was going to say anything…

We continued on our way to school, but before we could get through the front gate, we were interrupted once again. But this time, it was by someone I definitely didn’t want to see.

“Hey, Emery,” Jesse smirked, a few of his friends behind him. They all had buckets in their hands, which made me a little nervous. “Fancy seeing you all here.”

I glared at him. “This is our school, dumbass.”

He only smirked. “Of course it is.”

“And shouldn’t you guys be in school?” I questioned.

“Nah,” Jesse shrugged. “We ditched.”

I glared at him. “Of course you did.”

When a water balloon hit me in the chest, I let out a shout as the cold water soaked me. I looked up at Jesse to see he had another one in his hand, this time firing it right at AJ. He hit her right in the arm, and before any of us could react, he and the rest of the boys started pelting us with water balloons.

It was freezing cold outside! It was January, and the water was freezing cold! Did they want us to get sick or something? Apparently!

“Jacobsen!” I shouted as he continued throwing them at me. I was now completely soaked. “I’m going to kill you!”

He laughed, still throwing them at me. “I’d like to see you try!”

Yolanda started crying, but that didn’t stop Jesse from laughing while the rest of the boys continued throwing water balloons at her.

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