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Today I woke up not as tired. That's maybe because I went to sleep around 10:30. It normal for me to have late nights playing on my phone. I could be reading some cool stories on wattpad (this app). Or I could be scrolling through Instagram (@kitcat_3000_ ).

I get dressed, brush my teeth, put on my shoes, then wait for my sister to get ready for the day. And wait for Cassidy to come.
I also ate breakfast today too. I had a poptart.

Again. A normal day at school. Three things happened. The first was how my Ex was about to grabe my butt for "grabe that butt day". I sent him away every time he came close to me.

The second thing was that, right next to my group a girl went up to a guy with a hoard of girls behind her. Got in his face and started yelling," YOU TOLD HER THAT I WAS GONNA SMACK HER!!!" I ran for deer life. A teacher (Mr. Hotard) tried getting me to hold his coke, but I ran right past.

The third thing that happened was that Cassidy Trosclair was at school today. I saw her I'm the office while lining up to go to class from recess. I didn't get the chance to talk to her thought and see if she is doing better. My sister, Cailye, told me that she was doing better. Although, when I see her in gonna ask if she is feeling better.

After I got back from school, I ate some Ramon Noodles and walked with Aaliya and Cailye. We went to the front store and saw my dad there and made him pay. Aaliya got a sprite and hot fries. Cailye got red Gatorade and a chicken salad sandwich. And I got gold peak sweet tea, gummy bears, and m&ms.

We walked around for a while and called some girls that were showing off there butts I short-shorts hoes.

Then me and Cailye walked Aaliya home. Then headed home ourselves. We ate spaghetti today. I couldn't finish a whole bowl, because of how much candy I ate before. 

Then I watched Z-nation with Cailye and my momma. Then took a shower and went to bed.

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