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Years had passed since the breakup and Hoseok acted the same but deep inside he was still depressed about not being with the person he loved

"Hobi are you ok, you look a bit down?" Hoseok just declined with his head. Namjoon knew he really wasn't but he let it go

"Well then, how about we go to a bar and relax a bit. Seokjin is there helping out before his shift is over" Hoseok accepted his request and went with Namjoon to the bar

"Are you and Seokjin dating already? From what I heard he makes you act like a complete goofball" Namjoon just gasped feeling offended but Hoseok knew it was a joke

"Well then mister handsome, have you never felt like that. The feeling of wanting to be with that specific person your whole life?"

"I did, but that was a long time ago. I'm sure that person hates me now" Hoseok always remembered the good days he had with Yoongi before he had to do what he did.

Before Namjoon could say something Seokjin had come out of the building waving at Namjoon

"Joonie, missed you!" Jin just paid attention to Namjoon until he noticed someone behind him

"You..." Jin just stood their surprised at what he was seeing.

"Oh yea Jinnie this is Jung Hoseok my best friend from years" Jin was still in shock unsure if that was really him but after hearing the name he was sure

"What are you doing here? Jin had anger in his tone. Both Namjoon and Hoseok were surprised by this change of character

"Do I know you by any chance?" Hoseok felt awkward. He had never seen this guy in his whole life.

"You don't know me but you do know my best friend which you ABANDONED!" At that moment Hoseok noticed who we was talking about. His precious ex-boyfriend Min Yoongi.

"Yoongi! You know Yoongi?! Where is he" Namjoon was just lost. He knew you they were talking about. Min Yoongi was Jin's best friend abut he never knew that Hoseok had something with him.

"Jinnie what is going on?" Jin just let out a sigh trying to calm down and explain

"I'll tell you everything Jonnie but Hoseok if you really loved Yoongi then just leave him alone." With that Jin left pulling Namjoon by his arm. Namjoon just said a soft sorry to Hoseok and disappeared.

Right when Hoseok was about to leave he smelled a sweet aroma. The smell of fresh mint Instantly he went into the bar pushing who ever was in his way. When stopped at a point found the person he had abandoned on stage.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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