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Queen's Prologue

I lived with a shitty family. They didn't love me; they didn't care about me. They were stupid. Mother has two healthy kids other than me. She makes me do everything. They're over 20 years old. They get everything without doing anything. I had to do homework and the work at home. MY MOTHER EVEN WANTED ME TO GET A FUCKING JOB! I had to make dinner one night. I had homework though and I even told my mother. My stupid, useless siblings were just sleeping. They didn't even work that day or anything, they were so lazy. I had healthy siblings. So I did what anyone would do. Mother wanted hamburgers, so, I made hamburgers. Hamburgers made from cyanide, and my siblings cooked flesh. As my family dropped dead, I was listening to music just studying. That was the first time I killed. I didn't tell anyone. No one knew.

I had a best friend. She was pretty stupid, but she was my friend. Her name was Lynn. She had short curly dirty blonde hair, her eyes an ivy green colour. She was on the heavier side, but every guy was still all over her. She was a big fan of sports unlike me. I hated sports it's just so boring. She had a boyfriend; he loved her. When I was alone with him, he wouldn't stop talking about her. They were super cute together. Things got bad when she texted me 'is it ok to have sex with other guys.' I didn't reply.

I was upset. She was throwing away someone who loved her. I went into my basement. I found... something. It had a weird feeling to it. Cupiditas told me that he could help. I didn't see him. He was a voice. I agreed, soon I was known as the Queen. People loved me; I was noticed; I was no longer a nobody. I am the one with the power now. Funny how greed can change people.

King's Prologue

I love her so much. I was heartbroken when I found out she was cheating on me. Queen was right. I should have listened to her in the first place. I was asked if I could do something for her. I asked what it was. She didn't tell me she just told me to go down stairs. She was strange something wasn't right. I didn't go to the basement. I went home; I heard screams, from next door. I didn't know who lived there and my parents probably called the cops.

In my dream, there was a girl. She wasn't human. She smiled and asked if I was happy that Lynn is not longer in my life. I told her no, I loved her. She meant everything to me. With a light smirk upon her face, she told me her name, Invidia. I woke up the next morning, different. I was seen as King. I made an app for Queen. I was the second in command. I knew everything about everyone. I was still empty, lonely, dead inside. Yea, Queen saw what was wrong. I was envious of couples. The more envious I got the madder I got. The madder I got the more I killed. I just, for some reason, loved killing couples. Who knew envy could change someone so much?

Joker's Prologue

I never thought I'd walk in on my boyfriend with another woman. I never thought I'd be that kind of girl, the kind of girl who dates that kind of guy, who should have seen it coming. I never thought it would happen to me. Until it did. Until the morning I walked in, expecting to crawl into bed with my boyfriend and instead finding another girl already there, curled up in his arms.

The first thing I felt was shock, like I was numb. She was picking up her clothes, and he was coming towards me saying things but I barely notice it, barely feel anything. Time really stood still. Nevertheless, the shock only lasted about five seconds. Five seconds of peace before the pain hits, pain that hit me in waves so intense I felt like I couldn't breathe. The image of them together replays over and over in my head, reminding me that he choose another girl over me.
I felt every emotion that you'd expect: anger, hurt, betrayal, humiliation, confusion. But most of all I blame myself, and that is the worst part of it all. I wonder why I wasn't good enough, what she has that I didn't, what I could've done differently to stop this from ever happening. Why did he have to pick Lynn over me? I never thought I'd be this cliche, I never thought I'd be a girl who could say this, who would know how it feels. But I am. And all I can do is take it day by day, and hope that I will never be that girl again.
Queen helped me; she made me feel better. Lynn will pay. Libidine promised me I would. I lusted for power now I have it. So much fun for me. I can kill whoever I want now.

Jester's Prologue

It was about a year ago... The app appeared. The Royals Game. You send a wish to one of four people. The Queen, the King, the Joker, and the Ace. One person's wish will be granted. If you wanted someone dead, they will kill them. If you want to pass a test you will. Soon people used it for

greedy reasons. Too greedy. The royals got mad and stopped it. At this point they had people kissing their feet. They now had more power than the teachers in this school. They brought the game back... If everyone did what they said.
Joker was throwing up in the bathroom. Queen and Ace with her. King standing outside of it. A teacher came by. She must have been new, she told them that they would be kicked out of the school if they didn't get to class. I was worried what would happen to her. So I stepped in. I made a fake hall-pass with all of our names on it. I gave it to her. The teacher left with a huff. I was happy with just that. I saved someone.

"You know... You do have a even face. If I cut it in half with a meat cleaver, I would have matching halves. That's important, you know." King said to me. They then "fixed me" and gave me a new name. Jester. It was a nice name. They didn't tell me anything else but the gave me the key to the Game Room. Their room. I felt super lucky. In the game room they gave me a card. I heard a female voice. She told me that I was no longer just a spade... I am now a Royal Card. I never felt so proud in my life. Thank to Superbia. I would have never known what it was like to have so much pride.
Lynn's Prologue

I didn't feel loved. I felt like he loved Queen or Ace more. He was always working. He would never text. Queen said I was just being clingy and how would I feel if he did that to me. I would feel like he finally loved me. I knew he didn't. Too busy spending time with those annoying friends of his.

I found a guy, who did love me. He said I was the one. No one meant as much as I did to home. I felt bad for King, so I didn't break up with him. I knew he would have made a scene. The guy and I would send nudes and other things to one another. We were caught in bed together once. Everything was great.

Until Queen ruined everything for me. She just had to tell King. She couldn't keep her mouth shut. Soon the King broke up with me, and my other guy was found dead. I had nothing left. That bitch ruined me life.
Peter's Prologue

I can't tell you too much, I shouldn't even speak of that night. I heard screams of my mother coming from down stairs and breaking glasses. Father came home drunk again. I was scared; I didn't know what to do. My brothers told me to stay in my room. It was dark and lonely. I... had a feeling... like someone else was there with me. Soon I heard their screams too. I could have swore I heard a gun fire. I closed my eyes wishing it would go away, and it did, the next morning when I asked what happened mother told me that he walked out.

I knew it was a lie. Father would have never done that. Just wishful thinking. I can't really say any more. I hope you understand. Some things shouldn't be talked about. Never.


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