Hide and seek Origins

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He could hear the loud and powerful knocking on his front door, but he would not open that door, not until it stoped. He knew that if he open that door it would lead to a very painful and bloody end by her hands. The fearful boy could hardly breath as the pounding became louder and louder and louder.

While yes this was terrifying nothing could be as fear-inducing then, when it stoped, The boy let out a quick shaky breath as he slowly walked tours the door. with each step The floor Creeked. The floor boards were cold as it touched his bare skin. He pressed his ear to the cold metal of the door as he listten intently for any type of noise he could make out from the outside. And all he found was nothing.

The poor scared boy took small slow steps to the window so he could pear outside. He new exactly what he was looking for. As he made his way to the window he carfuly moved the white curtains so he could look out. As his eyes went from side to side up and down all he could see was the dark abyss. Then she was right infront of him. The boy was so surprise he fell to the floor and was only able to gaze at her.

The girl stare almost looked joyful at the boy who shook in fear. Her eyes had a sick glimer that almost riveled her blood stained mouth that had an ever growing grin. "Found you." She giggled her voice a sickening sweet sound that caused a shiver to go down his spine.

He didn't realize he was on his feet once again until he was half way down the hallway. He could barely make out the sound of shattering glass over his sharp quick breaths. The frightened boy had no idea were he was heading the boy was relying on instinct.

He ran into a guest bedroom. He stood still as he tried to decied were he could hide. As he was deciding he could here a horrible sound it sounded like a demonic screach singing. "Ding-dong here I come to find you. Hurry up and run lets play a little and have fun." He could hear each word filled with a fake innocence. This caused the boy to make a quick choice in were to hide. Without taking a single breath he was in the closet covering himself in any clothes and blakents he could find.

Over the beat of his own heart he could barely make out the sound of soft foot steps and laughter making it's way down the hall. Then the singing started up again. "I can hear your sharp breaths. Your not very good at hidding. Just wait you can't hide from me." She sang, No screached down the hallway as she made it to the room he was hiding in.

The singing stopped as the door knob was twisted open. The door open with a creak. There was the sound of soft footsteps entering the room. Then the horrid singing started up once again. "Could you be inside the closet."

The boy could feel his heart stop as the footsteps went from the bed to his hiding spot. As he heard the girl opening the closet door. He had to bite his tongue to keep his cry of fear in his throat. Then he felt it the girl ripping off the blakents and clothes he had hide under. The last thing he saw was the girls evil tothy smile each tooth razor sharp covered in blood. As he felt an undescribable pain ripping threw his ardaman the same time a blood curdling scream ripped through his throat.

The police looked for months for the poor boy. But no matter how hard they looked they never found him. The only thing they ever found was a bloody note that read in shaky handwriting "YOU'RE IT"

Hey thanks for reading my story. I know it's bad now but I can always improve hopefully. Your an awesome person and have a beautiful day.

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