Can This Be True? Part 1

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Chapter 1

"Okay, guys seriously hurry, the meet and greet starts in an hour! We were supposed to be here half an hour ago !"

You say screaming at your slow friends.

This was the day. The day you were going to meet your idols. O2L. You were not going to let anyone stop you, not even your friends

"Okay, okay. Calm down look we are here."

Your friends, Sarah and Rubee and you get in line and wait till they come by.

The anxiety and excitement was clamouring in the hot summer air. Loud screams and crazy stares came from the hundreds of girls waiting to meet them.

*How would this go? *

You ask yourself silently.

*How am I different from any other fan?*

Unfortunately you didn't know the answer to either of those questions.

Suddenly one humongous, high pitched roar comes hurtling from the very crowd you were standing in.

Can This Be True? Kian Lawley FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now