Can This Be True? Part 7

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Chapter 7


My car door closes and I practically sprint into the deserted Taco Bell. I look frantically and see Kian, lonely on his phone. I immediately felt awful!

I run so fast and catapult my body into the chair across from him.

"Kian I am so so so so so so sorry-"

My word vomit continues to flow out if me. When...

"Hey hey hey, it's alright. I've only been her for ten. I have to leave in fifteen though. I'm so sorry, I wish we had more time!"

Kian said as he grabbed my hand a gently squeezed it once. Butterflies appeared instantaneously in my stomach.

"Hey, I'm still here, you're still here, we're still here"

I squeezed his hand back

Kian smirked

"Gosh, your adorable."

I blushed uncontrollably.

"I find you pretty cute too."

I said not believing what I was saying. I'm normally so bad at flirting like legit.

I try and keep the conversation going.

"So you hungry?" I asked pointing to the distant counter

"Kinda. You? I'll order"

"Yeah sure."

He quickly got up and strutted to the counter. When ordered food, I walked up beside him and said

"So... You only have ten more minutes. It's not long enough."

I pouted trying to be cute. I'm so bad at this.

"I know. We can text though. Please?"

"But of course."

Just then our food was ready.

Kian shooed me back to our table and picked up our food.

"One cool ranch Doritos locos taco and a piña colada baja blast"

"Um, how did you know...?"

" I may have stalked your Instagram"

I laughed "you little creeper, but I've stalked yours like a billion times so..."

I trailed off and realized I was wasting our precious time. I looked back at Kian and he smirked, then checked his phone.

"Seven minutes ugh" Kian sulked

"Come one let's hurry eat like fast!!"

We stuffed our faces and left a big mess

"Okay, five minutes yes." Kian set a timer and said okay, speed dating time"

"What?" I questioned but he cut me off

"Favourite color?"

"Turquoise or light purple"

"Favourite food?"

"Taco Bell or Greek"

"Favourite sport?"

"Field Hockey or Volleyball"

"Favourite o2l member?"

"Haha um" I didn't know what to say?


"Good" he smirked "and time, your turn, stuff you probably don't know"

"Favourite subject?"

"Lunch haha"

"Favourite app?"

"After light or any game?"

"Favourite clothing brand?"

" Neff?"

"Favourite show?"

"Right now...? The misfits?

"And time" I finally said.

We got up and transported our mess to the garbage can.

"Text me or I'll text you! I don't want to leave yet!" He whispered in my ear

I whispered back "you bet!"

We walked to the front door together and he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Maybe we can Skype or something?" I asked hopefully

"Have a second date that way?"

"You bet!"

We then walked out into the pretty coloured morning sky and he waved goodbye and boarded the bus and I unlocked my car and made the drive back home. Ready to hop back into my bed.

(A/N:) I'm sorry it's longer! Hope you like it. Everything was a bit boring until now but it's finally picking up. Hope you enjoy!

I'll write longer ones from now on :)

Can This Be True? Kian Lawley FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now