Chapter One

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The Summer of 2035.

I woke early from my alarm this morning, I sighed and shoved my husband. He groaned softly, I giggled at his silly ness.

"Jeff it's time to get up, we leave today." I told him, he groaned again... I laughed and crawled out of bed throwing my purple robe on, I then left our master bed room and walked into my eldest daughters room turning the light on. "Lily, it's time to wake up darling," I told her softly, she looked at me strangely, as if I deserved to be in the crazy house. "We leave today, to grandmas." I told her, she gasped and jumped out her bed shoving me out the door so she could change. "Something comfortable!" I called through the door.

"Yay yay!" She yelled back, I laughed softly at her before entering the next room, my next oldest child's room, again a daughter. "Ginny, time to wake up darling." I told her kindly, she smiled and crawled out of her bed as I helped pick out an outfit for her, a cute pink graphic tea and some comfy yoga pants. She is five years old, two years younger than Lily. I smiled and hugged her, before leaving her room.

I then made my way to my only sons room. He being three is still only a toddler is still asleep and will have trouble waking up. I lightly brushed his brown hair back. His little eyes fluttered open, "James sweetie, you have to wake up I were leaving for grandmas today," I whispered into his little ear, he reached up and I dressed him into his travel cloths. A pair of sweets and a lose shirt. He giggled as I placed him in his high chair, and a cup of Cheerios in front of him.

I then went and got my year old daughter into her little baby dress. Her short red hair curled much much like my own sisters, she reminded of my sister every day. I smiled as she blinked her blue eyes.

I walked back out into the kitchen and Jeff was feeding the kids. "Morning Maria." He said kissing my lightly on the lips.

"Ew!" Lily and Ginny squealed, I laughed at them softly. We quickly finished breakfast, Jeff and I began to pack the van up. Lily helped us of coarse, she is a lot like me in that way, wanting to help when she can. I often laugh when she offers to help me with stuff. I think she will only start to stop liking doing the stuff she does when she doesn't have a choice about it... Just like me.

Only once the van was packed did we get in it. We live in Red Deer Alberta, not where I always planned to live but I like it here.

My sister lives in Maple Creek, with her husband Trevor and her two kids Percy and Annabeth. Annabeth is the oldest out of their kids. She's five like Ginny, and when they see each other they get alone great. Percy and James are also the same age, but three and them being three, play by throwing mud at each other and others. It makes us all laugh until they throw the mud at us.

Jeff pulled out of the drive way and we were on our way, "Mom, can we get drinks in Big Valley?" Lily asked me. I sighed.

"We've been on the road for five minutes Lillian," I told her sternly. "We will see when we get to Big Valley." She sighed and pulled out her book, she to inherited the reading trait. She told me herself the last day of school she wanted to read Harry Potter. I laughed and pulled out my old books for her, it's been two weeks since school ended and she is already half way done the second book.

A we drove down the high way I starred out the window. I looked at the cows, the trees and the farm houses. I looked into the back seat and saw Ginny, James and my youngest daughter Hermione sleeping while Lily read her book. I smiled and fell asleep to.

Hours later I woke up. Jeff woke me by whispering, "We'll be in Maple Creek in twenty minutes." Loud enough for me to hear but not the kids, it was a surprise that they would be seeing their aunt. I pulled out my own book, one I hadn't read since grade eight. Dark Secrets. I noticed all four kids were asleep in the back. We soon pulled into the drive way of my sisters acreage. I opened the car door and walked up to my sisters door. I knocked lightly on the door, Hazel ran down and gave me a hug, Annabeth ran up to me and nagged me after Hazel let go.

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