Slenderman and Sally

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April 10, 2018

So, if any of you haven't heard the creepypasta story of Sally. I would recommend you to read/listen on youtube or something. I have only seen some versions on here but I'm not really the type who likes to go into that type of details. 

This is just going to be a short summary of how they would have met (in my opinion).  It's short, i'm sorry.

Kicking my uncle in-between his legs, I turn and ran into the woods. I don't know why he want's to hurt me, but all I know is that he is very dangerous and I have to get away from him. 

I looked around as I was hoping to find some one, anyone to help me. My tears streamed down my red and bleeding face, I keep getting my dress caught in the sharp bushes and I lost my shoe in the mud somewhere. 

I stopped running at this point, my lungs are hurting an they feel like fire, my heart is beating so loud, I think my uncle can hear me. I happen to look over and seen a cave by a stream, thinking it was my only chance to hide, I ran into the cave as far as I could before I hit the dead end. 

Not to far from where Sally hid, her uncle happen to follow her foot tracks, following them to the cave. He smiled lustfully as he entered...

Screams and moans could be heard from the cave, one of the screams belonging to the little girl and the moans belong to the wicked man.

It was sometime in the misty morning, when a tall figure was seen walking through the woods. He has been watching these woods for many centuries, killing anyone who dares to play his game by finding the notes. Sometimes he even kills them he if he can track their bloody scent.

He took a deep breath, and happen to caught a particular scent. Slenderman thought as he identify as a child....but there was something else about it too, something he only smelled when teenagers come here for camping seasons. 

He followed that scent until he came to a cave, one thing that stood out from the nature's beauty is the small stream of blood going into the water stream from the cave. He walked closer to the cave entrence and peered in.

Looking inside, he seen a child layed naked in a bundled of dirty clothes, this little girl had bruises and bloodied cuts all over her small and fragile form. His long arms was able to reach for her and pulled her out. His non-living heart held a great sorrow as he realized this child was raped and murdered. 

He walked over to the stream and washed her cuts and blood off. When this was done, he took his dress coat off and wrapped the child in it. 

Slenderman thought to himself as he walked to his mansion (where his other proxys lived). 'This poor child didn't have a chance in life, but I will give her a better non-living my daughter and proxy, where she will be loved by her new brothers and sisters proxys.'

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