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"Do you know why you're here?" The principal asked her, his eyes tired.

Dinah nodded slowly, she yawned a bit too, an obvious sign she was already bored.

"Cuz I keep causing trouble, or whatever." She mumbled.

Dinah pulled out her phone, showing the principal pictures of her latest 'project'. Dinah had spray painted all throughout the hallway walls, without a care in the world. "Ain't it just a beauty?" she mused, her lips spread into a huge grin.

"One, what you did is not permitted." The principal began.

Oh yay, here he goes again. Dinah cheered sarcastically to herself.

"Two, using your phone to take pictures of what you did, is still not permitted. And three, daring to pull that device out and showing me those pictures, also not permitted and definitely not how I wanted to start my Thursday." He finished.

Dinah spoke nothing, she didn't seem to care.

"Hansen, ever since-" the principal paused, not finishing his sentence since he saw Dinah tense up.

"Ever since that accident, you've been out of control. You are a straight A student in honors classes, what happened to working for all of that?"

Dinah scoffed, "If you think you're doing any good by telling me what went wrong in my life, you're not helping."

"And I can assure you it wasn't an accident."

The principal kept a straight face, "Sure. But listen to me, this behavior is not going to continue anymore."

Dinah laughed a bit at this, "Right, and what're you gonna do to make that happen?"

Next thing she knew, Dinah was standing in front of a house, in front of a sign on the porch that read:

Welcome to the Cabello's


Author's Note:

Heyo! Thanks for deciding to read this story! I had the idea, and thought I should use it.

Not sure how long this story will be yet, so stay tuned for the next parts ahead! I'm aiming to at least get to ten chapters, and we'll see what happens then.

Thanks again, and I'll come out with another chapter soon!


The Road Back Home - {Caminah} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now