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Dinah rang the doorbell reluctantly. She wasn't sure what to expect in this 'new house' but decided she should probably hurry up and get a job so she could go live on her own again.

Someone answered the door, and Dinah knew right away she was spanish. Or maybe it was just a premonition.

"Oh, you must be Dinah Jane Hansen." The lady smiled up at her. "I'm Sinu, I'll be taking you in for a while, as I've heard."

Dinah shrugged, "I guess so. Uh, real nice to meet you then."

Sinu led her inside to the kitchen, and that's where Dinah first saw her.

"This is my daughter, Camila." Sinu then whispered fiercely to Dinah, "Or so, her real name is Karla. She just prefers Camila, don't tell her I said that!"

Camila looked at Dinah, then Dinah looked at Camila.

-Dinah's P.O.V-

"I have my other daughter Sofi, but I don't know where she went.." Sinu trailed off and kept blabbing on.

Camila and I never stopped looking at each other. I was honestly shook that this was her house!

Oh dear God, I remember thinking to myself. She's the nicest and smartest girl in our school. She'd ruin my ass!

-Camila's P.O.V-

I looked at Dinah, pretty much wishing I was dead.

First of all, lemme just say that at that time, I wanted to take cover in a dark corner for the rest of my life, because I knew things were about to change. Drastically.

Oh dear God save me, I thought to myself. She's the baddest and most popular girl in our school! She'd ruin me!

I was never going to be the same.

-Third Person P.O.V-

Dinah wasn't sure what to make of the whole situation. But eventually she decided that she'd use the Cabellos' for a while anyway, and probably just run away to another town when the time was right.

Anything was better than having to be a part of a family again, and so she never often stayed in a house for very long.

"Well, Dinah, since Camila has a big room, you'll be staying with her. There's already a bed in there and everything, so make yourself comfy!" Sinu said cheerfully.

Dinah reluctantly looked over at Camila, who had a scared expression on her face. She definitely didn't think she was going to be sharing a room with me of all people.. the taller girl mused to herself.

"Go on, Mija. Show Dinah where she'll be staying!" Sinu shoved the two girls up the stairs.

Camila sighed. "Sure." was the blunt answer she gave.

Camila led Dinah down a hallway, and stopped at the third room on the left. "Go ahead in." she smiled, but Dinah could tell right away it was fake.

The Polynesian walked in, taking in the room.

Yeah, it actually was pretty big, just as Sinu said. Other than that, it was your stereotypical teenage girl's room.

The Road Back Home - {Caminah} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now