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Camila lay in her bed that night, shivering from the cold. She felt so alone, and she was craving Dinah's touch.

Of course, that was far from possible at the moment.

As if her prayers were answered though, she heard a voice at her door.


It was Sofi.

Camila looked at her younger sister. "Sofi, what's wrong? Why are you up?"

Sofi sighed. "I had a bad dream. Can I sleep in here and cuddle with you?" she whispered.

Camila smiled. "Sure." she replied, making room in her bed.

Sofi shuffled over quietly, getting in the covers and snuggling up to her sister. It was dark, but Camila could see that it looked like Sofi had been crying.

The younger girl yawned.

"What kind of dream was it?" Camila asked her.

Sofi pondered over it. "It's kinda silly..." she hesitated. "But it was about you moving out like DJ did. I don't wanna have to lose you too, and seeing it in a dream was scary enough."

Camila strokes Sofi's cheek. "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere just yet. And Dinah will be back too one day, I promise. Now shutup and let's get some sleep."

Sofi grinned softly. "Thanks Kaki."

"No problem." Camila replied with a smile.

They both snuggled up to each other even more, and it was actually kinda comfy.

Camila recalled all the times her and Sofi would cuddle together, and listen to each other's struggles just as they were in that moment. Their bond as sisters could never be broken.

It wasn't Dinah's strong embrace, but Camila felt as though her sister's comfort would be enough for the time being.


The next morning, Camila and Ally got some breakfast together. They were the only early birds apparently, since the Normani and Lauren, along with the boys, were being super lazy.

Anyway, you'd be dumb not to assume that Ally drove to Waffle House when Camila thought they were heading to IHOP.

"Ally, I think you made a wrong turn." Camila told her. "We were supposed to make a left at that last light-"

"Waffle House, Camila." Ally told her. "Waffle House."

Camila sighed, giggling to herself a bit. This was going to be a long morning.


Normani rang the doorbell of the Jauregui residence, waiting there patiently.

After a minute or so, the door was answered by Lauren.

"Hallo." the green eyed girl mumbled, her eyes still sleepy. She smiled with content as Normani stepped inside, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"Hey babe." Normani replied. "How have you been?"

"Pretty good." Lauren answered. "I'm getting better every day."

Normani looked away shamefully. "I'm sor-"

"Shhh.." Lauren cooed. "Stop. You're fine, it's all good. I told you not to blame yourself, Mani."

"I can't help it Laur." she admitted. "It's tearing me apart. The fact that my own personal issues could've killed you is something I can't get over."

Lauren smiled, running her fingers through her girlfriend's hair. "But I'm still here, aren't I? That's all that matters. And now, you have to move on."

Normani nodded, resting her face on Lauren's shoulder.

"C'mon," Lauren took her hands. "I have a present for you."

She led Normani into the kitchen, where a box was set on one of the counters. The box was fancy, and had a little ribbon tied around it.

Lauren grabbed it, and presented it to her girlfriend.

"I wanted to get you a little something, y'know, something to remind you even more of just how much I'm in fucking love with you." Lauren joked, handing Normani the box.

Normani giggled, and hesitantly opened the present.

Inside were two silver bracelets, and judging by how heavy they felt in her hand, Normani could tell they were actual silver.

"Oh my god, Lauren!" she gushed. "These are so pretty!"

Lauren grinned. "I knew you'd like them. I got two so that we could have matching ones." the green eyed girl then took one and placed it carefully around Normani's wrist.

She then took her own and slipped it on her own wrist.

"If for some reason you ever feel so low like you did that day, and you feel like hurting yourself, I want you to look down at this bracelet and remember me. Remember that I love you to no motherfucking end Mani, and I mean that shit." Lauren explained.

Normani wiped her face a few times, obviously getting a bit emotional. "You're too good for me." she sighed.

Lauren smirked. "Eh, I try my best." she replied.


Camila was so stuffed after breakfast. Mostly because Ally had forced too much Waffle House down her throat.

"Troy and I are gonna go to the mall or something, if you have enough time you're welcome to tag along Mila." Ally suggested. "I think we might pick up Shawn too, since he lives around that area."

"Nah, I gotta head home." Camila shook her head. "Thanks for the offer though, maybe next time."

Ally nodded. "Alrighty, then I'll go ahead and bring ya home."

Once she had been dropped off, Camila went inside and up into her room.

The Cuban-Mexican pulled out a guitar from her closet, specifically her old black acoustic that she hadn't played for a while.

She thought that music could help take her mind off of the things that were conflicting her.

So she played, all while singing her heart out.


A/N: short chapter again 😬 sorry y'all, like I said, there are gonna be a few filler chapters (next chapter is the last filler one) and then we'll get back to the main story line.

At least this was a faster update tho 😂

Anyway ima get to work on the next chapter, expect another one in the next week.

The Road Back Home - {Caminah} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now