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Guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated. I'll admit the chapter isn't finished. But I have been working on it. See, I have been having quite a bad day. Today at church, (Yes, I go to church) someone was being really rude. And my friend, who I thought I could trust, just walked away. Also, I dyed the tips of my hair dark blue 2 WEEKS ago, and it kept fading. This morning is was a nice, light blue. Originally, it was dark blue, but it looked okay. I went swimming after I got home from church. It was completely dry during dinner. I look down, and it was light gray. Freaking Gray!!! SERIOUSLY!! I shit you not, I started crying, right at the table. My dad said, and I quote, "I told you when it started fading that we should have gone back." Really dad? Thanks for the support. And I can't fix it before camp tomorrow. So, basically, the chapters not up, I was insulted at church and my "friend" left me, my dad isn't supportive, and I look like a grandma. So how was your day?

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