Discord guides Breeze to her 'room' through several upside down hallways and spinning doors, making the mare sick to her stomach. They continue down the halls, Breeze confused at where they were, exactly. "Here it is!" says the Lord of Chaos. He gestures toward a building which is spinning rapidly. Breeze's eyes twirl in circles and Discord catches the tip of her wing just before she could fall.
"Thanks." Breeze grumbles, dusting her hoofs off. Discord snaps his fingers and a tube of cream appears in mid air, squeezing onto Breeze's back. She stiffens. "What are you-" Breeze cringes at the touch of Discord's paw on her back.
"Being in pain isn't likable. S-s-s- I, uhm, apologize for what happened at the gazebo."
Surprised at Discord's answer, she looks at him sincerely. "No problem, I guess. Just, make the room stop spinning, please."
Discord groans. "You ponies and your gravity. Jeez." He snaps his fingers and the room stops spinning and turns right side up.
"Thanks." Breeze forces a smile. She touches her back, noticing it isn't in pain anymore. She lets out a relieved sigh and jumps a bit at the touch of Discord's hand once again. His warm touch gives her shivers down her spine and goosebumps on her legs. Discord guides her inside the room and chuckles happily.
"This is your room! I gave myself the liberty to paint it teal. Oh, oh, look at this! Your bed, fit for a queen, as you are. And over here is a mini fridge that refills with the exact same think you took out!" Discord grins sheepishly at Breeze. She looks around slowly and furrows her eyebrows.
Discord frowns. "Do you like it?"
"Yes, yes, of course I do, it's very sweet of you but..."
"But what?" An impatient Discord says,.
"Desk?" She simply says.
Discord looks at her confused. Breeze points at her cutie mark.
"I love to write. Can I have a desk?" Breeze asks. Discord moans and snaps his finger. A crystal desk appears near the corner of the room, next to the front door. Breeze coughs awkardly. "That's a bit too fancy."
Too fancy?! Discord says to himself. One can never be too fancy!!!
"Fine." Discord snaps his fingers again, turning the desk into a white desk with random swirls. It was glittery and shines brightly.
"Little less." Breeze says. Snap. "Liiittle less." Snap. "Perfect!" Breeze gleams. The desk is now wooden and very rugged. You could get a splinter just by looking at it. She sits down on the wooden chair and twists a bit. "It's just like the one in- Uhm, nevermind."
Discord gives a sly smile. "Tell me." Breeze looks at him.
"Tell you what?"
"From where does this desk remind you of?" Discord pressures.
"I don't trust you enough to tell you. My bestfriends don't even know about it." Breeze grumbles. She stands up and lays down on the bed. Breeze jumps a bit on the bed.
This bed is too fluffy. I'll bug Discord with it later, thinks Breeze.
"Discord, can you leave me alone. I'm exhausted." explains Breeze.
"Perfectly respectable, my queen." Discord sits at the edge of the bed. He drags his claw lightly on her back, sending chills up Breeze's spine.
"Discord," she begins. "Please get out." Discord, now hurt a bit, walks out of the door. Breeze stuff her face into the pillow and cries, the pillow causing it to be muffled. She begins to think about her friends, Twilight, Fluttershy, and all the others.
Discord, outside the door, presses his left ear to the door. He hears the crying and crawls back to his bedroom, sadly. Discord looks at his reflection.
"What am I doing?" He asks his reflection.
It begins to move without the real Discord moving. "You," the echoing voice of the reflection says, "Are getting the Element of Modesty away from the others so they can't try to turn you back to stone."
"Really? I thought I did this because I care for the pony." Real Discord acknowledged. The reflection laughs loudly, the sound echoing through the halls.
"You? Caring for a pony? HA! Even if you did, they would never care for you back."
"Oh, shut up. You don't know anything, you're just a reflection!"
"Am I? Am I really?"
"I will shatter you into pieces!" Discord points at the mirror. He shakes his head. "I'm going crazy."
"You invented crazy." inquires the reflection. Real Discord snaps his fingers and a sheet from his bed and covers the mirror. Discord flops down on his checkerboard bed, which lays on the wall right of the door. He snaps his fingers, showing an image of the pony a few rooms away. Breeze is peacefully writing her story on her new/old desk. The sight of Breeze not having a care in the world makes him wonder, "How can I make that happen to her all the time?"
Discord: My Captor
FanfictionThis MLP fan fiction is about my OC Breeze Tumble. What will happen to her and her friends, the Mane 6, after she is Captured? Read to find out!